After what feels to you like an eternity (but in truth is only a few minutes), you gradually begin to regain your senses. You try to rub your eyes, quickly discovering that you can't move! Everything feels rather tight for some reason. What in the world is going on here?


Despite the constricting sensation you're currently going through, your field of sight informs you that you're now in your mother's bedroom, rather than the family kitchen. A faint rumble resonates from behind your current position, and a dainty hand briefly comes into view to rub you in side-to-side motions before you are unwillingly repositioned to face the bedroom's ceiling. A series of bright red, flashing words appear in front of you, blinking for a few moments as if from the screen of a device: "WARNING! Living matter detected as part of user's form! Retrieval may be compromised!"


It takes mere seconds for realization to hit you like a rock. "Oh no...I've been digested and absorbed into her abs! MOM! HELP ME!!" you cry out mentally while squirming around as much as possible, causing tiny reverberations in the skin of your mother's belly.


Just as she's about to begin her morning workout with some sit-ups, Marie suddenly feels an odd series of twinges in her stomach. Putting a hand to her exposed tummy, she wonders if there was something unusual about that granola bar she'd eaten earlier...

September 23, 2023 · edited February 20
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