As she continues to rub her exposed midriff beneath her frilly pink crop top, Charlotte suddenly feels a strange, small lump a bit above her belly button. She uses her pointer finger to deliver a few curious pokes to that spot, causing you to grunt in discomfort. Looking in the mirror, she finds that there is indeed a lump on her tummy! And it’s…human-shaped?


“Hello?” Charlotte asks the bump on her stomach. “Is somebody in there?”


You internally sigh with relief, glad to have been noticed by your little sister, and continue squirming to maintain her attention. “Charlotte, it’s me! Your brother!”


Charlotte stares silently at her gut for a few seconds before replying. “Big bro?!”


Wanting to blush in embarrassment at your current predicament, you unfortunately lack the cheeks to do so. “Yeah…I downloaded an app and basically transformed myself into spearmint gum. Then you came in and…chewed and swallowed me. I’ve been digested and absorbed into your abs!”


Charlotte’s eyes widen at the realization that she essentially ate her older brother. “I…I didn’t know that was possible, bro. So you’re inside me right now?”


You ‘nod’ in response. “Yes. But there should be a way to get me out and turn me back to human form! I need you to grab my phone, log back into the TF app, and find out how to restore my body!”


Your sister gazes blankly for a good while at the abdominal lump you’d become, apparently trying to process this information. Much to your alarm, however, her expression shifts into a playful smile. “Nope! You’re staying right where you are, big bro!”


Charlotte’s words make your heart sink. “What?! No, you can’t be serious! I need you to help me out of your stomach muscles!”


You struggle and thrash in a panicked attempt to make your little sister see reason, but she halts your movements with a series of hard pats to her belly. “Sorry, bro! You haven’t been spending much time with me lately, so it’s up to me to change that! Now, what to do with you first…”


Charlotte switches from patting to rubbing her tummy while she brainstorms different ways to tease and torment you. She could do some crunches to further tone her abs (and burn up your biomass in the process). Or, she could do a belly dance in an effort to hypnotize you into enjoying your new cell. Then again, she was hungry for a proper meal…that would tighten your prison for sure!

July 9, 2023 · edited February 20
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