It doesn't take you long to understand that no matter how loud do you think you're screaming, the only noise your new body is making is produced thanks to Charlotte's teeth and her saliva, as you feel parts of you get stuck and then unstuck continually while she chews the spearmint flavor out of you. 

Your new plan involves counting up to 10 minutes in your head to "survive", but now that you've calmed down you get distracted by how.. natural it feels to experience what your sister's mouth is doing to you. It's just not something that you feel could translate properly to a human body, as if your flavor was your human blood or certain parts of the gum corresponded to each of your former limbs. Instead, you only feel uncomfortable for a few seconds as you quickly reconcile with the smell of Charlotte's breath and spit that easily overpowers your natural scent, a part of yourself knowing you should feel disgusted appearing and then disappearing as if stomped out by your sister's will when she decided to chew you.

And the most amazing part was how this worked even despite having your human "senses" and mind intact. You weren't feeling any pain, but you still could see, smell, taste and feel the touch from the pressure of Charlotte's molars smushing your body with ease over and over, her tongue and taste buds moving you around in order to get all your flavor's worth, the little pools of saliva appearing from seemingly out of nowhere to carry your taste away. 

Nothing in you felt disfigured or in the wrong place despite the rough treatment, and it even felt right to "lose" your flavor to her in a way. Once again you note there's no comparison to be made, as it doesn't feel like releasing one of your inner fluids to her but almost like giving your sister something you're supposed to give away, almost like an achievement. 

"Wow, why does this gum taste so nice? I might need to buy more of these to myself, yum" Charlotte says to herself and her voice echoes around you, approving your feelings. It's loud and deep but once again, it stops feeling uncomfortable right away for some reason.

The thought of giving away your flavor as an achievement both intrigues you and brings your predicament back to the forefront, because while you keep getting chewed on and embracing the idea of how as an object you fulfilled your expected purpose, how without that minty flavor you would be missing something when changing back started to scare you. After all your smushed new "body" was still there, but something that was inside of it no longer was, would that put your life at risk? what if even if it didn't feel like it, the flavor was actually your blood?

You try to focus again on counting the seconds but a loud beeping noise distracts both you and Charlotte.

"Huh? he left his phone here?" Charlotte says and you take advantage of the fact that she left her mouth just a bit open to squint and try to see what she is looking at. 

"TF-App, 2 minutes left, what's this?" Charlotte wonders out loud and while all you can see is a part of her hand, you internally celebrate, she found the app! Now she could understand what's going on and save you, or at least spit you out until the timer ran out.

"Transformation..piece of spearmint this a game? no way" Charlotte's confused voice echoes around you but you can't really blame her, this was completely unexpected to you too. You think that as long as she pushes the button to transform back you will be alright.

"Bro? Are you here? Are you um.. a gum?" Charlotte asks as she looks around the room for you but she doesn't find you anywhere. And unfortunately, your mashed up body has no way to confirm her suspicions, but all you need is for the 2 minutes to be over though.

"What am I doing, it has to be a joke. I will just swallow and keep the wrapper to get rid of the evidence" Charlotte shrugs and, forgetting about your limitations, you try to scream again as you feel her tongue carrying out her will, first forcing your body to separate from the teeth it was smushed to and once you were in the middle of her mouth, sending you to an abyss of fear and uncertainty with a powerful gulp.

Charlotte sat on your bed and kept looking at the screen and around the room, curious about what was going to happen when the timer ran out.

What happens next?

March 9 · edited March 9
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