A night to remember

Kevin silently slipped into his family's house and softly closed the front door behind him. He took a quick look around and thankfully no one was in the living room area. He could hear multiple voices coming from upstairs, no doubt his sister and her friends were gossiping like they always do, but he also heard some shuffling noises coming from the first floor rooms. 


Quickly turning to his right, he opened a small entryway closet and went inside it. It was full of coats and old decorations for different holidays, but it was just big enough for him to squeeze his way in it. 


Taking the shrinking potion vail out from his pockets, he looked at the label again. 


'When shadows rise and the sun slumbers, whoever drinks my elixir shall see the world from a new perspective. Only the warmth of the sun shall return you to your perspective.'


Shaking his head, he tried to stifle a laugh from how silly this all sounds. But his friends were so insistent that these items really worked. 


Shrugging his shoulders, he undid the cap at the top of the vial. He took a sip of the liquid, strangely it tasted like lemons to him. He immediately started to feel a strange sensation coming over him, almost like tiny prickly needles all over his body. 


Not wanting to spill the rest of the vail, he quickly screwed the cap back on it. Just as he did however he felt very light headed and passed out. 


Kevin slowly opened his eyes to be met with pure darkness. Panicking for a moment he swung his arms around to feel for his surroundings, as he did however it felt cloth all around him. 


It took him a moment to calm down and to realize where he was. The potion actually worked; he was still in the closet, just now shrunken and apparently his clothes didn't follow suit. 


Making his way forwards and pushing his now discarded clothes to the side, he could start to see light coming from the small opening beneath the closet doors and the floor. Well it was small before to Kevin, now that same opening as he approached it was nearly the size of a normal door. 


As he walked up to it, he only had to slightly ducked to make it out of the closet and back into the living room. That's when reality really hit him, looking around all the furniture that he use to tower over looked like gaint skyscrapers to him. The doors where so huge to him, he had to crane his neck to see the very top of them. 


Looking around a bit, he saw the wall clock that was near the kitchen entrance. It read seven-fifteen, so he must have been out for just a few minutes then. Perfect then he still had plenty of time to prank his sister and her friends. 


Now the only question is where to start? Making a rough mental map in his head the first floor contains the entrance/living room that he was in. From there, there were the stairs off to the far left side of the living room and right before them there was the kitchen entrance. Then on the far right side of the living room was a short hallway that contained a downstairs bathroom along with the laundry room as well. 


Then going upstairs was a small balcony that split into three hallways. The left hallway led to his parents room along with a guest room, the middle led to his room and a half bathroom that had just a shower and toilet, finally the right led to his sister's room. 


He could still hear most of the noise coming from upstairs, so he could go straight there and try to sneakily mess with them. Though there was also some noises from the first floor as well, being so small however it was hard for him to tell exactly where they were coming from. 


He could also try and go somewhere else that they're not at and lay a trap for them there. Though there was no guarantee any of them would go to the room he was in. 


Thinking for a moment Kevin decides to… 


June 12, 2023
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