Rude Awakening
The Valkyries Chapter 6

You feel like your head had a hammer knocked against it.


Thunk thunk thunk!


Your eyelids feel so heavy. All that you want is just to go back to sleep. 


Thunk thunk thunk!


Something is knocking against your forehead. “Wakey Wakey!” An oddly familiar voice says. It annoys the hell out of you and you just want to tell it to go away.


“Ug aay…” 

“Come again? Is that some obscure Federation dialect?”


Thunk thunk thunk!

“Are you just going to lie there all day pretending to sleep?"


Getting irritated, you finally manage to force your eyes open. Ambers is hovering above you, her eyes locking with yours. All you can see from your perspective is her upside-down face.

“WAH!” You yell in surprise.


“Eek!” Amber responded mockingly, then grinned. “About time you woke up! How long do you humans need to sleep?” Amber pulled up and moves alongside you. Although regaining your sense, you are still having trouble moving. 


“How long was I out?” You ask.


“About 18 hours.” Amber said.


“18 hours!?” Slumping back into the bed, you survey your surroundings. “Is 22 okay?” 


“It is sitting in the repair bay.” Amber noted. “It’s waiting for you, Romeo. Oh, wait!” Amber dramatically pumped her arm. “Damn. Command decided we’re not a charity so it’s still broken. It'll probably be broken down for parts." Amber smirks. “Unless…” Amber lets the word hang ominously.


You sigh and try to sit up. It’s difficult but you manage it. Your arm is covered with wires to various medical devices and fluid tubes. “Unless I do something for you, right?” 


“You DO have a brain in there somewhere!”


Thunk thunk thunk!


Playfully Amber knocks on your forehead again. 

“Unit AM-B20R, I told you to stop bothering my patients!” A feminine but rough voice calls out. You twist your sore neck to see a woman walk into your sight, a white lab coat draped over her body. 


“Oh, come on Doc, have some patience!” Amber smirked at her incredibly lame pun. 


“That’s Unit D0-C7E4 to you, and I won’t have any patients if you keep this up.” The doctor is either missing the pun or just not acknowledging it. Another Valkyrie, looks like. Most likely a medical support unit. 


“But Doooooc…” Amber whines in a way that makes her seem like she’s a lot younger than the roughly 18 years old she looks not to mention her actual age. “Bossman wants to see him as soon as he’s up and running.”

“I will be the judge as to who is ‘up and running’ combat unit!” Doc says disdainfully and then turns to you. “He’s conscious at least. Your name, young man?” 


“Lieutenant William Turner, 104th Aurora Federation Combat Infantry Group.” You reply instinctively. 


“Well, you’re responsive, that’s good. Weariness in the muscles? Feeling faint?” She asks while creating a digital note.


“Yeah, a bit.” You could pass out where you sit but didn't want to show it.


“That will pass.” Doc grunts. “You’re lucky we had some antibiotics on hand, or you’d be a lot worse off. Whoever applied those makeshift bandages forgot to sterilize them first.” You glance over and see Amber standing there whistling innocently.

June 15, 2023 · edited February 20
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