"Very well, lieutenant. All the relevant information has been forwarded to my database." 22 gives you a crisp salute, puffing her chest and standing at attention. "I have been added to your operational nexus, ma'am."

You sigh with a bit of envy and frustration watching the robotic unit puff her chest like that, unable to help but notice how.. needlessly endowed in that area they are made. 

"Is there a concern ma'am?" The unit tilts her head successfully giving the impression of looking curious

"What? what do you mean?" The way she seemed to caught you staring takes you by surprise and confuses you

"Your facial expression seems to indicate doubt about my hardware specifications, should I remove my epidermal coverings so you can verify by yourself I am factory new?" 

"Remove your what? What on earth are you.. hey stop that!" Seeing the unit say it so calmly and actually move her hands to remove her uniform is enough of a shock to make you forget about questionable practices in the Valkyrie manufacturing industry, you just couldn't believe she was about to do that in public.

"Understood ma'am" the unit moved her hand back to its original position and awaited instructions, although you also notice she seemed to deflate a bit for some reason, or was it your imagination? You go back to wonder how scarily lifelike these things are nowadays.

Suddenly, the intercom springs to life. You can see some of the workers covering their ears as soon as the first few notes of the jingle begin playing. "LIEUTENANT TURNER TO DOCKING BAY 9. I REPEAT, LIEUTENANT TURNER TO DOCKING BAY 9."

You begin walking towards the bay and seeing how your new valkyrie stays a little too close to you, close enough to be uncomfortable. You decide to cut that behavior quickly even if it wastes you some additional time, it's not like your transport mission was a high priority one.

"Hey um..Valkyrie" you notice you don't really know how to address this thing

"Engel group standard model 22 ma'am" the valyrie answers back in a neutral tone and stands back at attention

"Right, 22.. you're walking too close to me"

"It's my duty to protect you ma'am" another neutral answer that makes you sigh

"I know, but there's nothing to protect me from here, just walk 2 steps behind and be on the lookout for any threats" you try to sound like a commander so this robot stops arguing back

"It's my duty to protect you ma'am, engel group standard models are to serve as shields for assigned personnel" the valkyrie said, this time sounding a bit like she was.. angry? 

"Just do it, alright?" You say, losing a bit of patience

"Yes ma'am, understood" there it was again, that slight movement of her shoulders that made her look a bit deflated. It almost makes you want to apologize, did this valkyrie have feelings? or was it just her lifelike expressions fooling you?

"LIEUTENANT TURNER TO DOCKING BAY 9" The intercom blasts again and makes you remember your priorities

"Fuck.. let's go fast" you start running towards the bay with the valkyrie obediently staying two steps behind you

What happens next?


May 3
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