Angela couldn't help herself: she needed more food! She started by eating another container of yogurt, then another, until she was out of that. If anything, she was somehow hungrier than when she started.

She then poured herself a bowl of cereal, but before she knew it, it was empty. Literally, she couldn't remember eating it: somehow, she had devoured an entire helping, milk and all, with no recollection.

What was happening? Was it the glutaryloxyacetate? Was this happening to everyone who ate it? The rats who had been exposed to it in the lab never reacted this way. And even when she had made her initial discovery, she never had a reaction like this.

But was it the same? You never ate the packaging, did you?

She looked down and saw an empty egg container. Not even the shells were left. Instead, she could taste a lingering hint of raw egg in her mouth, and a grittiness there, too. Horrified, she dropped the container and backed away.

June 9, 2023
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