Poor Alicia. First she encounters the largest person she's ever seen in her life, too big to notice here. Now she's on some alien landscape, sweeping back and forth with the force of a rocket. Blurry objects zoom past, each as large as a continent to the Microputian. She gets a bad feeling: she may never return to her home. But as she thinks more, she realizes something. Maybe this is how her sister disappeared! If she can just hang on, maybe she'll be taken to where she is! With that in her mind, she doubles her efforts to stay lodged in the city-sized thread.

Julie continued to her bedroom, unaware of the desperate fight for survival at the edge of her shirt sleeve. She managed to cover herself in flour while baking the bread, and retired to her room for a quick change.

The swinging stopped, but was soon replaced by a monumental grinding sound. Alicia felt herself slide upwards as the wiry landscape glides upwards. A hole opens beneath Alicia, and she notices the pink landscape of Julie's skin. Now she's got to make a choice: stay on the fabric, or jump down to the pink surface?
June 8, 2023