Emily: An attractive girl with the world at her...
Emily is not a regular Brobdingnagian girl. Being the daughter of wealthy parents, she always was the center of attention, mainly because of her stunning appearance and more than average self-confidence. She was 5ft '6, with green eyes and long, light brown hair. Her skin was toned and she deeply appreciated her feet and hands. Anyway, at age 18, she never really had any serious sexual activity with a partner, but ever since she was young she took some time in pleasuring herself. But here comes the strange part... Emily was turned on by watching/interacting with both Gulliverians and Lilliputians.

This is kind of a secret, but since she was able to buy ten Gulliverian in the black market she was never able to stop. These poor Gulliverians faced an extremely horny and unexperienced 16 year old Emily, and they didn't last long enough to even get near her wet panties.

Anyway, she grew found of these tinies and always kept some hidden in her room. Gulliverians, at their size, usually would be nice to play all kind of games. But in the latest times Emily was feeling a great enthusiasm about dealing with Lilliputians. Of course she wouldn't be able to play with one Lilliputian, but she had a life-changing experience, two weeks ago. Emily bought a small tube containing 5000 Lilliputians, and dropped the contents on her room table. She was mesmerized when she saw that they covered an area that was equivalent to her fingertip.

This size difference made her immediately become wet and nervous, something that she hadn't felt for a long time. Before even interacting with the tinies, she began to stroke herself, just by looking at them. And it was that way she orgasmed, and they were still there. Not for long, because she tapped her sticky fingertip on them.

Anyway, she got stuck on the idea of having more Lilliputians. One day she orgasmed just by watching a live coverage of a meeting between the Brobdingnag ambassador with the Lilliputian population. She was sitting on the floor, barefooted and with shorts (pants would be dangerous for the Lilliputians) with millions of Lilliputians in the area between her legs. Emily just orgasmed by thinking what would happen if it was her instead of the ambassador.

Given this, she came up with a plan:
June 8, 2023
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