“It’s done.” Amanda said trying to smile. “Can we still have the private concert?”

“Take me to my car Amanda.”

Amanda lowered her hand so that her boyfriend could hop on. Seth climbed aboard her trembling hand and then sat down with his back to Amanda. As if she were holding a mug with spilling hot coffee, Amanda rose up to her full height and walked out of the valley.

“I’m sorry I called you tiny.”

There was that word again. It drove Seth insane. Tiny? Him? Tiny?

“I told you never to call me that.” The one-inch man flipped around to face his 425-foot tall girlfriend. “I’m not tiny! Got it?”

Amanda nodded her head with quivering lips and glassy eyes.

Seth sighed as he looked up at his frail girlfriend. Although she was a Brobby, she sure acted small and fragile.

“Listen,” Seth said, “just drop me off at my car. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Amanda lowered him next to his shiny red roadster by the beach. He fired up the car and dropped his foot on the accelerator. As the wheels spun in place, he could hear Amanda say “I love you.”

He left her at the beach without a word.


Seth’s car squealed and drifted into place in front of his mansion. He got out and slammed his door shut before racing up the marble steps to his home. The heavy wooden doors opened up before he reached them by his assistant, Evelyn.

“Welcome home, sir.” She said with trepidation. “I hope everythin—“

“Two things Evie,” he walked straight to his five-foot tall (with four-inch heels) assistant—hired as his assistant primarily for her small stature. He looked down at her large pupils and relished her obedient attention. “Draw me a bath and call Angelica and Caprice. I need them here fifteen minutes ago.”

“Yes, sir.” Evelyn took off like a sprinter.

Seth watched her small ass scurry away behind a tight business skirt. She was dressed in a uniform one would wear at an upscale hotel.

Seth took off his clothes as he walked up his grand staircase towards his master bedroom. He dropped everything on the floor as he walked; his tie, his shirt, undershirt, shoes with Lilliputian blood still on them, trousers, and precum stained underwear. Seth walked naked with his massive manhood swinging between his legs.

Shiny, smooth marble covered every inch of his wide-open bathroom. Chrome fixtures shined under the many lights spread across the room, including an extravagant crystal chandelier.

Evelyn turned the golden knobs to stop the flow of water into Seth’s glossy white bathtub. Large clean mirrors hung on every wall and reflected Seth’s nudeness as he stepped in. Evelyn saw his reflection and shut her eyes in respect.

“Sir,” Evelyn squeaked. “I just got off the phone with the girls you requested. They will be here in less than fifteen minutes.”

Seth’s bare feet slapped against the smooth surface of his marbled floor. He walked right up to Evelyn and moved his hand behind her head. He stroked her long hair twice before grabbing a fistful and pulling back. Evelyn yelped as she felt her head jerk back. Tears squirted out from the jolt of pain.

“I said I wanted them here fifteen minutes ago, Evie.” Seth looked down at his little assistant as she squirmed within his grasp. His plump cock grew.

“I apologize sir,” Evelyn cried a little more as Seth pulled her hair even tighter. “I’ll call them back and tell them to hurry.”

Seth pushed Evelyn back, causing her to fall into his full bathtub—a bathtub large enough to hold five people comfortably. Evelyn pushed herself above the water and gasped. Her professional looking uniform was ruined and soaking wet.

“Get out of my tub Evie.” Seth said in monotone.

“I’m sorry,” Evelyn coughed up water. “I’m sorry Seth.”

“Seth? What, we’re on first name basis now?” He asked, irked.

Seth reached in and pulled Evelyn out from under her armpits. He swung her out of the tub and held her in front of him. She was light even with wet clothes. Her soaked hair clung to the front of her face. Water pooled on the floor of his bathroom, wetting his bare feet.

“I’m sorry Evie.” Seth lowered her to her feet. “I’ve had a bad day and I don’t mean to take it out you. You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had.”

Evelyn couldn’t look up at him, so he used his finger to lift her chin up. Her eyes showed she was hurt and afraid of Seth.

“You like my car right?” Seth said. “The red one? I’ve heard you talking to your friends about it. Well, it’s yours. You can have it.”

Evelyn sensed a trick. “Really?”

“Yes really. For me being a jerk to you.”

A small smile appeared on Evelyn.

“Now go change. And send the girls up here when they arrive.”

Evelyn hurried out of the bathroom leaving Seth alone.

The water was hot. It took Seth a few moments before he got in all the way in, adjusting his body to the steaming hot water. He leaned back into the tub and lowered himself all the way to his chin. His eyes grew heavy and closed after a few moments.

“Hey big guy.”

Seth didn’t need to open his eyes to know who it was. He recognized Caprice’s feminine voice as she entered his lavish bathroom, followed by Angelica. Seth opened his eyes and looked up at his sexy girls, dressed in tight little dresses.

“Want to join me?”

The girls took off their clothes and their lacey heels. Caprice was the first to enter the tub. She snuggled her naked body against Seth. Angelica had a similar body to Evelyn, but looked more exotic.

“What was so important that we had to rush over here?” Caprice asked, running her fingers through his hair.

Seth wrapped an arm around Caprice and pulled her closer to his body. They made skin-to-skin contact underwater, which caused Seth to grow more excited.

“Amanda and I got into a fight.” Seth said.

“Aww, that’s a shame.” Caprice leaned into Seth and locked lips with him. “I thought you two were perfect for each other.”

Seth continued to kiss Caprice and feel her tight ass with his wondering hands. Angelica swam over and went straight to stroking Seth’s cock. Seth moaned in approval as he continued to kiss Caprice.

“What did you two fight about?” Angelica asked.

“None of your goddamn business.” Seth snarled before returning his kisses with Caprice. “I knocked over a Lilliputian skyscraper today.” He said to Caprice.

“Oh my god, really?” Caprice said in surprise. “Where there any Lilliputians inside?”


Angelica could feel Seth’s cock getting bigger within her skinny hand. She used her free hand to cup his balls and play with them. Seth enjoyed the feel her tiny hands against his enormous member but continued fondling and kissing Caprice.

“That’s so impressive,” Caprice said. “I wish I could have seen it.”

“It was amazing. There were thousands of them running away from me as played in Ashville.”

“I bet, who wouldn’t be scared of giant guy like you.”

“I’m huge compared to them.” Seth was growing more and more excited. He buzzed the intercom near the tub and told Evelyn to bring up his special box.

Seth reached over and pulled Angelica up to his lips for a kiss. He then lifted her over his body and brought her down beside Caprice. The two girls knew what to do and started kissing each other for Seth’s amusement.

Evelyn appeared in dry clothes holding a cherry wooden box. The action going in the tub didn’t faze her at all. She set the box down and asked if she could get anything else. Seth dismissed her and she scurried out of the bathroom.

“Is that what I think it is?” Caprice asked.

“Oh, yeah.” Seth opened the box and pulled out a struggling male Lilliputian. “Angelica, you were playing with my cock, who’s bigger? Me or this thing?”

Angelica grinned and looked over the Lilliputian. She pulled his pants and underwear off and looked up and down his body. She held back a giggle as she saw his miniscule cock within his black pubic hair.

“You’re so much bigger Seth.” Angelica kissed Seth. “Even if he was a Gulliverian, you’d still be so much bigger.”

Seth’s eyes grew heavy as Angelica found his hardening cock underwater. He flipped the screaming Lilliputian towards him and then curled his fingers. He increased the strength of his grip until he felt the first crack and then stopped. He looked at his fist and felt the feeble man squirming for his life.

The Lilliputian’s struggles grew weaker. Seth squeezed harder and solicited renewed struggles and another cracked rib. The male Lilliputian went limp and lifeless. Seth threw the Lilliputian towards the open toilet and missed. His body plopped on the hard ground, staining the marble.

“That was so hot.” Caprice straddled Seth and pulled out a female Lilliputian from the box. “What do you want me to do with her?”

Seth loved the screams coming from the one-inch woman.

“Why don’t you eat her?” Seth said.

Caprice yanked the clothing off the woman and then popped her in her mouth. Seth pulled Caprice down for a kiss and felt around the female Lilliputian with his tongue. Caprice opened her eyes and stared back at Seth. With a sultry look, she sucked on the Lilliputian, swallowing her whole.
June 8, 2023
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