“I say we fire her! She’s only been on the job one night and she’s already stepped on my car! What was she even doing outside the guard house?”
“Her stomping around last night woke me up!”
“It’s going to cost us a fortune to replace the bonsais she kicked over!”

"I didn't even get a good look up her skirt - " Jack's wife jabbed him in the side again.
“I understand that you’re upset,” Percy’s staticky voice came in over the speaker phone. “She’s no pro, but we knew that when we hired her. It’s called cost savings. Insurance handles this kind of stuff all the time. Louise, how’s the search for a replacement?”
“Uh,” Mona piped up, “we haven’t been able to get in contact with Louise.”
“What? Really? Have you called the Whole Foods The Yoga Studio? Heh.”
“I haven’t heard from Jim either,” someone said. “We were supposed to go golfing today.”
“And what in hell happened to the hill?” someone else asked. “When I went for my jog this morning - ”
“All the more reason to have a guard,” Percy interrupted. “Just keep looking, okay Louise? I have more important things to do today. Bye!” Percy’s voice became distant. “What do you want at McTiny’s, Val- ” click
The other HOA members filed out of the room, grumbling. Percy’s wife, Paige, furrowed her brow. Who’s Val?
- - - - -
Percy dug through the take-out bag. “Okay, baby, I got my quarter ouncer, looks like they gave me plenty of fries…. and here’s your salad.”
“Baby doll, I asked you to get me a chicken sandwich.”
“Yeah, well, you look like you should hold off on the chicken sandwiches, babe. Oh, and let me take that ranch for you.” Leaving one hand on the wheel, he unceremoniously ripped the packet of ranch open with his teeth, and squeezed it onto his sandwich.
Valerie sighed. “Can I at least have a fry?”
Percy responded between bites of his burger. “Why don’t you put those pretty lips to work and - munch - and earn it?” He wiped the ranch from his mustache, stuck a fry between his greasy lips, and leaned over. 
“Watch the road, Percy, honey.”
“Come on, babe,” he mouthed. While he leaned into her face, poking her with the fry, the car began to swerve.
“Percy!” Valerie shrieked as they began to steer into the wall of the Tinyway tunnel.
“Shit!” Percy slurped up the fry into his mouth, then deftly returned the car to the right side of the yellow line, heroically avoiding smashing into the wall. “Fuck! Did you see that?! It leapt up at me!”
“What?? The wall did? Are you serious!?”
“Yeah! Tinyway pipes are too narrow these days! Goddamn tiny planners!” He shoved another handful of fries into his mouth. “Look, don’t worry about it, hey, we’re already home.” Percy turned onto the Tinyway’s exit pipe, driving up the ramp and arriving above-ground on the road near the Little Hills entry gate. 

- - - - -
My boobs hurt.
Instead of stopping the itty-bitty cars that were coming in, Stephanie was prodding her breasts. Stop it. Stop that. As your master, I command thee.
Another boring day. Stephanie had gotten so tired of watching the little cars coming in and out of the open gate. How could such little things pose a threat to Little Bills? So she was wiggling around in her chair, trying to readjust her bra, and daydreaming.
They’re all so small. They’re like bugs. Why should I be worried about letting some in that don’t belong? I could just, like, step on them if they commit a crime. Oh my god, what if there was a tiny murderer or something, but like, she used a toothpick. How many could she skewer at once?
Stephanie’s eyes widened. Wait, shit. But if the tinies call the actual cops that is going to look SUPER bad. Would they blame me? Oh my god, do I have to go to a normal-sized jail if I let tinies get killed? 
“I - I’d have to wear an - an orange jumpsuit,” she whispered in horror. She slammed the gate’s close button and grabbed the binder. “That is NOT happening to me!!”
Um. Okay, rules for letting people in...here it is in the back. Oh godddd, this is so many words!
Percy drove up to the gate, while Val sat beside him touching up her lipstick in the mirror. Percy waited for the gate to automatically rise. It didn’t.
“Dammit, my transponder’s in my other car. I just bought this baby - oh, wait, the new guard will let me in.” He honked his horn a couple times to announce his arrival.
Oh gosh oh gosh he’s sooo impatient, Stephanie shifted her brain into max gear as she leafed through the rules. Everyone who lives here has... a little automatic gate-opener thingy… A trans ponder? How can a pond be trans?
Percy honked again. “What the hell is she waiting for?!”
...and if they don’t have one, I have to hit the red INTERCOM button, and then I have to read the script on page 18… 
After repeatedly hammering the ASSISTANCE button, Percy decided to resort to loud bellowing, just as Stephanie’s voice finally came through on the crackling intercom. “H - hello, good afternoon sir or mad... Am? Who's mad? Er… Sorry, May I ask the ray - the reason for your visit today?”
“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?” he screamed. Valerie jumped in her seat and smeared lipstick on her teeth. “Percy-poo!” She whined.
Stephanie recoiled.
“Er - I’m t - terribly sorry little sir, I can't let you in if you don’t have your trans pond. Is there somebody you’re here to see?”
“Uh... ” Stephanie kept reading through her script. She whispered it aloud to herself. ”If the visitor is not a resident, a guest, or someone hired by the Little Hills HOA, turn them away and do not open the gate for them.” Okay, done.  “If they are aggressive or bell.. igerent?, appear to be dangerous, or otherwise refuse to leave, consider calling the police.” Well, he’s definitely aggressive. Not sure about belligerish? Is that a religion?
She opened the intercom again. “I’m sorry, sir, but I have to ask you to leaf.”
Stephanie felt her blood starting to boil. “Is this guy serious?” She read over the script again. Call the police, huh… Oh, wait, didn’t the HOA guy tell me not to do that? Damn. Guess I gotta deal with this myself. She walked out of the guard house, towering over the little car. 
“Alright, little guy. You’ve got ten seconds to drive away or else.”
Having turned the intercom off, she couldn’t hear Percy’s increasingly enraged shouts from inside the car, but the tiny honking was getting on her nerves.
“One…. Two...” More honking. “Three… Would you shut up? Four… Oh, forget it.” She left the guard station in a huff and stood in front of the gate. She knelt down directly over the car, unintentionally revealing the sheer pink panties beneath her jean skirt, and carefully plucked the car off the ground between her fingers.
Percy froze up as Stephanie’s massive fingers covered the sides of the car. Val screamed. “Oh my god, she isn’t picking us up, is she? Oh my god, babe, she’s picking us up!” They felt their stomachs drop as Stephanie lifted the car faster than a roller coaster. The view from the windshield was filled with Stephanie’s legs, then her knees, then her midsection. They got more than an eyeful of her massive, firm breasts, then rose past her smooth neck, past her lips, and finally stopped at her planetary eyeball. Percy could do nothing but honk at the behemoth.
“I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP! GOD, YOU SURE ARE ANNOYING.” Her voice shook the car as she walked back to the guard station, shut the door, and sat back at her post still holding the little car. Percy continued honking. He was screaming his head off at the young woman, but she couldn’t hear him, and her monstrous fingers were holding the car so tightly the windows couldn't roll down. All he could do was honk.
“Okay, that’s it.” Stephanie held the back of the car with one hand. “You asked for it.” She pinched the hood and started squeezing. The hood of the car was crushed like a soda can between her fingers, obliterating the car horn and all the internals. The windshield shattered, scattering glass all over the occupants. The car shut off and the honking ceased. Only the engine remained intact under the crushed exterior, like a piece of candy wrapped in foil.
“I heard that, you puny little pipsqueak.” Stephanie’s plump, cherry-glitter lips now filled their view, and as she spoke, her tongue slipped in and out of her mouth, revealing her giant teeth and the abyss inside her mouth which could swallow the car whole, along with Percy and Val.
“Oh, fuck this! I’m not getting eaten by a - a crazy c-cunt! And fuck you, Percy!” Valerie scrambled to unbuckle herself and get out of the car.
“Woah, where are you going? Are you insane?” He shouted after her as she shoved open the door. He grabbed her leg as she dangled halfway out of the vehicle.
“Let me go! You barbaric beefhead!” She kicked him with her stiletto, forcing him to let go as she tumbled out of the car.
“Ah! Don’t - ” Stephanie tried to catch Valerie, but it was too late. The auburn-haired mistress fell through the air and towards Stephanie’s shelf-like chest. The soft landscape cushioned her fall and she landed with a plap against the slightly sweaty and warm skin.
“Ow! What?” Stephanie looked down at Valerie scrambling around, trapped on top of her breasts. “Hey, careful, those are sensitive! What a lucky landing for ya you little shrimp. But you can’t get away from me that easily. HOA rules.” She pinched Valerie with her other hand, eliciting a squeak from the scared woman, and shoved her deep between her exposed breasts, muffling her yelps. “I’ll deal with you later, okay?” She turned her attention back to the car containing the speechless Percy.
“Now then! Little trespasser, what should I do with you?” She swung the car back and forth in her hand as she thought. “Hmm, let’s see here.” She leaned over the table with her rulebook. Valerie couldn’t see anything in the hot crevice, but she felt her world turning upside down. 
“Huh… Call the police?” 
She thought back to her initial phone call with the HOA, and the rude, machismo guy who led the interview. Whatever his name was. Try not to get the cops involved. Know what I mean, Stephanie?
“Hmmm. Well little guy, I don’t think we want the cops finding out about this. What to do… What to do...”
A ding came from her phone. Brittany had just texted her. With her free hand, she read the notification. Omg another tiny guy was expelled for peeping in the girls changing room! They never caught his friend though. Guess where I put him ;)
“Ah... I know.” Stephanie brought the car to her lips again. “I know exactly what I’ll do with you.” The car was bathed in the hot gales of her breath and the perfume of her cherry-scented lipstick.
Steph lifted her head and raised the car above her mouth. She stuck her tongue as far out as it could go, opening up the cavern of her mouth to welcome the little car. This might not taste too good… She thought. Doesn’t it have, like, gas in it and a battery? “Aaaahhh~” she moaned. “Little tiny man...” God, I sound just like Brittany. She shook the car lightly. “Come out and play with your goddess!” She nearly burst into laughter at this corny line.
Percy was holding on for dear life. He was close to falling out of the broken windshield and into this massive moron’s cavernous mouth, and he’d be lucky to escape from there without getting digested. Not wearing a seatbelt, he was dangling over the pit and bracing himself from the fall by holding tight onto the seat's headrest. But when she started shaking the car, his grip gave way. He fell feet first down and down into her gaping maw. 

At least he got a really good view of her tits.
As the tiny body suddenly dropped out of the car and hit her tongue, Stephanie instinctively righted her head and shut her mouth, to prevent the foreign object from slipping into her throat accidentally. She let go of the empty car, which fell and clanged pitifully against the cement ground. She hummed thoughtfully as she licked Percy up and down in her mouth. 
Her tongue probed his pants and shoes. “Yuck.” She opened her mouth and plucked him off her tongue, deposited him in her hand and swept the strands of saliva off of him. She gathered the saliva in her mouth and spit on the ground. “You’re gross. You’re all dirty. How does Brittany do this?”
“F- fuck y- y….” Percy was breathless and shocked. He had never been inside a mouth before. He thought he was a goner the moment he fell in. Then she played with him like he was a piece of candy. He was out of breath, his body hurt all over, and he was covered from head to toe in this college girl’s saliva.
“Maybe if I take these off first...” Probing with her fingernails, she accidentally scratched him a few times as she delicately maneuvered his shirt and pants off. His belt snagged on her waist a bit, but she just ripped through it forcefully and tossed his clothes down too. ”Much better. Heh, you’re pretty small, even for a tiny!”
“H-How dare you...” He tried to cover himself, but her massive finger forced his arms away.
“Let’s get you cleaned up a little more first.” She clenched her fist over him, sealing him in the darkness of her hand, while she grabbed a water bottle from her backpack. “Now hold still!” She opened her hand up, and doused him. He was blown onto his back by the waterfall of bottled water.
“Much better. Now let’s see how you taste.” He could do nothing as she brought her dripping hand to her lips. She smiled, and snaked her tongue out, shoveling him back into her sweltering mouth. He was completely subdued by the massive tongue as she pinned him to the top of her mouth and sucked the water off. A gulp shook him and he was lowered back down. He tried to catch his breath on the spongy surface, but the air was so hot and humid, and smelled incredibly strong, it was difficult to get used to the air. 
“Mmmmm,” Her moan vibrated her entire mouth. He’s not so bad. Not as tasty as I hoped though. She swished him back and forth between her cheeks, wondering what it was like for such a tiny guy inside her massive mouth. I wonder if I have, like, a nice mouth? I remember one of the tiny guys at school saying how he preferred blowjobs from girls with smaller tongues, so he wouldn’t get hurt. Is my mouth big? Is my tongue too big?
She rolled him back onto her tongue and spit him onto her hand once again and gazed for a moment at the helpless guy, face down in her spit.
Should I really be doing this? He’s so tiny, and so helpless. But he’s trespassing, so… I guess this is better than sending him to jail, right? And that guy on the phone was so insistent about not getting the cops involved… Hmmm…
She stared at him a little longer, and eventually he raised his head and looked back at her.
“You… You’re not going to...”
Maybe there are, like, different laws about tinies? She nibbled at her finger, deep in thought. Well, yeah, I guess Brittany’s always gobbling them up, but she never gets in trouble with campus security or anything.
This must be what they hired me to do. Why’d they hire a normal sized girl like me anyway? It’s either this or, like, step on them. Ew. I’d never get the stain off my shoe. The expression on her face changed from one of worry to one of determination. Okay girl, this is your only choice. You can do it!
“Here I go, little guy! Say your prayers!” She grinned and tilted hand over her mouth, letting him slide off and tumble back into her maw.
Percy freaked out. This blimp-sized bitch really was going to eat him. More scared than a deer in headlights, he called on the last of his strength and started thrashing wildly in her mouth, punching and kicking and scratching and biting every bit of her he could.
“Ow!” she shoved him into her cheek and said, “that hurts, little guy. You don’t want me to bite, do you?” She maneuvered him onto her teeth and bit down slightly, just enough to pin him. It probably hurt quite a bit. Then she rolled him back into her cheek and his struggles ceased.
I better get this over with, she thought, and rolled him to the back of her mouth. Bye bye! She gathered her saliva on top of him, and with a meaty GULP, she swallowed him. She was a little surprised at how easy it was. He was so small, it was like swallowing a pill. She chased him down with a little water.
Wow, my first tiny… It really wasn’t that bad. Oh! I should have taken a picture of him in my mouth. That’s sooo popular on Insta. Maybe the next trespasser.
Stephanie yawned and slouched back in her chair. She felt her stomach. She didn’t feel anything to indicate his presence. He was simply swallowed up like a snack, and was somewhere inside there mixed with the remains of her breakfast. There’s a little person inside me. Wow. I hope he doesn’t give me indigestion. 
She sat for a few minutes, marveling at this new situation. Then, her boobs ached again. Ugh! When will these girls give me a break? She cupped "Rosé" and "Shiraz" with both hands and squeezed them. But something was off. She felt something solid between them.
Oh… Woops.
She slid her fingers into her tight cleavage and fished around for the other tiny. Her fingers struck her and slid her out from between her mammaries. The tiny was hot, and covered in sweat, and she was unconscious.
She must have passed out, Stephanie thought. I guess that will make this easier.
She laid out the tiny on her hand, and again picked and prodded at her clothing until it was all ripped away. Huh, that’s a really nice bra. I wonder if they make it in my size? She carefully slipped the miniscule lacy bra into her pocket for later inspection.
Okay girl… You got this. You already swallowed one, what’s one more? And she’s a woman, maybe she tastes better?
Stephanie pondered the still form in her hand for another moment, before shrugging and slurping her up like a noodle into her mouth.
Dang, she tastes the same. Oh well. She chugged the rest of the water from her water bottle along with Valerie.
“Aaahhh...” She patted her stomach. “Two tiny trespassers in one day. I sure am doing a good job!” Satisfied with her work, she decided to take a well-deserved nap.
March 2, 2023
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