"Anon!" Sci-Twi again gave her friend that bright smile and another sudden hug that surprised him.

"Hi Twilight" Anon said gasping for breath and Sci-Twi giggled. He was such a good friend, always there for her and the cute way he reacted around her always lifted her spirits and gave her some much needed self-confidence because most people at school thought she was awkward.

"I'm glad to see you too" Anon smiled nervously after Twilight released him at last. He definitely wasn't going to complain about these new sudden hugs, if anything it made him feel like Twilight would be willing to be more than a friend to him. He only needed to gather the courage to ask her.

"Oh right, let me show you my new experiment" Twilight said and took Anon's hand, carrying him towards her room. Anon blushed again and thanked his good luck as they walked, wondering what could have been so important that Twilight didn't just show her at school instead.

Opening the door Anon's eyes widened, her room was huge! It had its own library, a telescope, a section for all her math and science trophies and a study area that put his to shame. But on the other corner of the room was the craziest thing, it looked like an astronaut suit in front of a big laser gun of some sort.

"Wh-What's that?"

"A working shrinking device!"

"Say again?" Anon was in complete disbelief

"A working shrinking device!" Sci-Twi repeated with increased excitement "I'd love to test it on someone so I was wondering if you.."

"Sure" Anon didn't even let her finish or try that little routine of adjusting her glasses and looking down shyly when she asked him something. Right now he was overwhelmed with admiration for his friend because one of his secret fantasies looked like less of a fantasy now thanks to the genius mind of Twilight Sparkle.

"It.. It can be dangerous"

"It's not dangerous, you made it" Anon said with so much conviction it was now Sci-Twi's turn to blush.

"So you want to test it then" The smart girl asked softly, just to make sure of her friends' consent. She knew they both respected each other's intelligence but the way he said what he did just made her heart soar. 

"What do you want to do once.. you know?" Anon asked, trying his best to hide his excitement.

"Whatever you want" Sci-Twi smiled.

What happens next?

August 9, 2023
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