(Sort) Half of a outwordly(?) visit
Portal Adventures. Chapter 3
"Well... this is something..." You say as you saw on what seems to be an outwardly portal of manifesting and swirling in your living room... a very small one on that.

It wasn't like that a moment ago, it just appeared... there. It appeared without much fanfare, with no dramatic electricity cuts or overloads or change in the air currents or shift in the gravity like what you come to expect; it just... appeared, in a blink of an eye, and right onto one of your room's walls, it just existed now.

At first, and understandably, you freak out about this but after a few minutes of nothing happening. Just simply went on staring at it, analyzing it with scrutiny and overall curiosity.

Part of you was considering calling... anybody, really, but you weren't up on getting strapped into an operating table in a quarantine zone-

It was then something- no, someone was coming through the portal, much to your surprise but...

They seemed to got stuck by...
June 2, 2023
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