Mystery of the Multiverse.
Portal Adventures. Chapter 4
You had a latent curiosity about what lies beyond that portal, a wonder about what you might find -- it was the reason why you opted to learn such sorcery in the first place, you were an avid believer in the multiverse theory, and you were looking forward have this working just to get yourself an adventure of your lifetime.

You were excited about this but also nervous though your excitement overwhelmed most of your overall worries.

The idea of lasting adventure appealed to you in many ways, and now you have the opportunity to go through this to your heart's content right about now. The worry comes more of the prospect that you might not return while there was the hopeful note that the possibility being there though as for now, you were more looking to get lost in the journey.

So you did what a self-respecting adventure would do by equipping yourself with anything of value that has use for a long extended period, you had long since quit your job as soon you started learning magic; you were able to conjure food and multiply physical cash at will so what is the need for it when you can violate physics at will?

When you got back to the portal, once seized anything that could help you in your travels, you couldn't help but feel a bit of apprehension, you looked back and smiled, you weren't going to return here any time soon but you were going to miss it all the same.

You stepped into the portal and...
June 2, 2023
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