Face full of apples!
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You cursed yourself as you flew through the air, now having no choice but to hang onto the rough denim material for dear life. You had ended up in a pair of jean shorts that had seen their fair share of wear and tear. You could see that the pant legs - as little as there was of them - were ripped in multiple places, creating small, stylish holes. A possible escape? Maybe... but before you could think about it, the ground gave out once more beneath you and your scream died in your throat as you were suddenly dropped with terrifying velocity. You could feel your stomach churning as gravity took hold of you, wrenching you downwards to the hard, wooden ground. Instinctively, you closed your eyes and braced yourself...

But the impact never came. Instead, all of a sudden your stomach lurched as your descent was instantly stopped, almost throwing you off the piece of denim you were digging your fingers into. Your eyelids fluttered open, your breath still sharp and ragged from fear.
Just in time to see an enormous shadow engulf you. You froze, dread filling your belly like lead. Slowly, ever so slowly, you craned your neck upwards. Of course you already knew what you would see there. So when you were met with the sight of a massive, orange sole hovering just a few feet above you, you weren't all that surprised... but terrified nonetheless.

With an earth shattering BOOM, the sole descended, an orange pillar slamming down only an inch to your left. A scream died on your lips as the second foot followed suit, the crash of its descent making your ears ring. Now the twin pillars of the massive pony rose above you, bathing you in her shadow. In the corner of your eye, you could see fingers curl into the sides of the fabric...

And in an instant, you were torn upwards again as the giantess pulled up her shorts. This time you finally broke out of your fear induced paralysis and screamed in the vain hope that the titan would somehow hear you. Frantically, you threw yourself to the side, trying to squeeze past her thick leg to maybe still make it out of this denim prison. But it was too late. The fabric had already reached her thigh, the enormous limb completely filling out the way too small hole made for it. You wouldn't be able to get out... or if you did, you would definitely fall to your death.

Time seemed to slow down as you rolled onto your back. All color drained from your face as the light dimmed and you came closer and closer to your final destination. The sky had been replaced by two gargantuan mountains covered in a field of green and white stripes. The giantess' panties hugged her rear so tightly they seemed ready to burst. From the edges, you could see strands of orange fur poke out as well as the underside of her gigantic butt, which was already gobbling up the piece of underwear between its crack. You opened your mouth for another scream...

But you were cut off as the giantess pulled the shorts up all the way. In an instant, all light was snuffed out as you were sealed in between her shorts and panties. She gave the denim another tug, pushing you further against her massive rear, then you heard faint metallic ziiiiip. She was finished putting on her clothes... and you were completely trapped!

You couldn't see anything. Your face was pressed tightly against the soft mountain of the massive woman's right butt cheek. The thick panties made it hard for you to breathe as the flesh beneath the fabric threatened to bulge into your mouth should you open it. Within a few seconds, the body heat the giantess gave off made you drenched with sweat. Frantically you struggled against the wool of her underwear, grabbing fistfuls of thick fabric to pull yourself upwards. You had been buried right on the underside of her gigantic butt... maybe if you could get further up the pressure would fade.

But that plan was immediately thwarted by a massive earthquake that shook you to your core. Another faint BOOM reached your ears as you were violently thrown to the right... then another as your direction reversed, flinging you to the left. You almost threw up from the sheer force. But while it felt like an earth ending calamity to you, in your mind you knew the simple, horrible truth of what was happening.
The giantess had simply begun walking.

Your ears began to ring. Your body was drenched in sweat and you couldn't get a hold on even the fabric of her panties.

The weight of her rear weighed down on you. Lower and lower you slipped, the massive cheeks rubbing together. With horror, you realized you were being dragged in between her cheeks! But even redoubling your efforts wouldn't help you get away.

One thing was certain. You needed to get out of here. If this was just a lazy stroll for the titaness, you didn't want to find out what it would feel like if she was in a hurry. Or worse... sitting down. But how could you get away? Squeezing past her thighs out of her pant legs was absolutely impossible. The only 'exit' from this prison would be... the holes that had been ripped in the front! But to get to there would require squeezing between her legs and the rough denim...

Of course, there could be another way... maybe if you squirmed enough you could get her attention? You were pressed directly against her rear, after all. As tight as these clothes were, you were surprised she hadn't noticed you already. Was she that tired or was her butt just cushy enough for her to miss your presence? Either way, it had to be possible to get her attention... even though you had no idea what she would do with you if she found you in her shorts...
June 2, 2023
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