Mapping a fashionista
Yeah... you're not going to even try to wake her up at this point.
Far better to find a nice safe spot to bide your time until. she's able and willing to communicate.

You wandered across the massive hills of the equine's breasts, your way illuminated only by moonlight streaming from a nearby window. Her fur was colored in breathtaking ivory and felt luxuriously silky soft to the touch, and smelled heavenly.

Clearly whoever this person is, she clearly cares deeply about personal appearancetook great pains in maintaining both looks and personal hygiene

The distinct spicy scent of herbal shampoo and condition was everywhere and flowed over you in soft waves, causing your lips to slowly curl up into a dreamy smile.

The giant would shift her body every so often and readjust, causing her partially covered bosom to jiggle and ripple before setting back into its proper shape.

Each time this happens you get knocked off you feet and slowly have to sneakily pull yourself back up.

Your legs suddenly began to feel like jello ad were forced to wobble your arms just to keep balance.

It was a painful reminder of the situation you had found yourself in.

Now might be a better time to find a good hiding/sleeping spot rather than admire than stand around and admire the beast.

June 2, 2023
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