"Huh?" The teenager stopped and looked at her mother, a bit dazed in lust but still in her right mind.
Her mother looked uncharacteristically peppy and giddy, "Just before I show you this, I have to tell you, you're gonna be a big sister!"
Diamond Tiara stopped dead. "What?"
Even after all the strangeness of her mother sneaking into her room while she was jilling off and then joining her on the bed, this news was by far more stranger.
"I know this sound kind of strange and sudden but... there are things that a filly like you, that is about to turn into a beautiful mare, needs knowing as well, seeing you with that book and despite me being here, it doesn't stop you from attending your maidenhood which means that you're entering your first heat season." Spoiled explained.
"O-ok." Diamond replied, completely bewildered as to what her mom is talking about.
"Every filly goes through what you're going through right now, so you there's no need to feel ashamed," Spoiled continued. "That's why I thought I'd help ease you through it by spending some personal time with you."
"And to make things better, the dear that conceived your half-sibling!" Spoiled stated with a growing grin.
"... is right here." Spoiled finally unfurled her fist and opened her hand, holding it up for her daughter to see.
"What is that?" Diamond Tiara stared in disbelief at the form of little old you standing on her mother's palm. "He looks like a tiny stallion."
"He is a tiny colt, actually. Notice the soft-looking features in his face and he is not a pony, he is a human colt." Diamond Tiara's eyes widen on the information. A human!? a real human!?
She's heard of them before, through tales and stories about how they used to live in the Everfree forest until ponies drove them out. They were supposed to be creatures of magic that could disappear at will, change their size, and create illusions. The fact that her mother had one right now was rather shocking, though not because of the size.
"He's my new pet and breeding stud, and he's utterly devoted to me," Spoiled said lovingly. "I want to share him with you to help ease your heat."(edited)
"Really?" She says in skepticism despite the surprise of the existence of the once extinct human still present. "How can he do that? He is tiny.."
"Pull open your panties, and I'll show you"," Spoiled said.
Diamond Tiara dis as her mother asked and pulled down her underwear, then moved to face her mother so she could see her fillyhood in all of her glory.
"Like this?"
Spoiled licked her lips in anticipation. :"Yes, just like that."
Spoiled then looked at you "Go ahead, Please my daughter~" Spoiled then dropped you toward her daughter's puffy, and undefiled fillyhood. Diamond yelped a bit but waited then, she felt your intrusion in sliding into her young folds. She suddenly gasped as she felt the tiny human invading her maidenhood's canal. "B-by Celestia!" She gasped.
Diamond Tiara felt him quickly pass through her folds and crawl inside the entrance to her fillyhood, and weirdest of all, could feel his tiny hands working on her inner flesh. Her body involuntarily seized and convulsed upon feeling these new sensations.
Seeing her daughter like this, made the matriarch approached and embrace the filly "It's fine, see? he is really good in pleasure us despite his tiny size." She cooed and the filly a kiss to her lips.

Spoiled pulled Diamond on top of her and continued the kiss while running her fingers through her mane.
Deep inside, you continued to crawl inside the wet pulsating tunnel taking your time and kissing her every few steps. You wanted to make her feel as good as possible to get her used to the idea of using you, and just like her mother, the juices began to flow. Speaking of which, it felt quite to be inside her rather than her mother.
Unlike her mother, who had supreme control over her muscle groups and slowly but surely pulled you along, the filly's muscles were more erratic.
You were pulled deeper and deeper almost like being sucked straight to her core which was getting ever nearer.
You felt the walls convulse and shift under your touch as the tunnel gets flooded.
Given that the tunnel of the virgin filly was much tighter than the seasoned adult, it didn't take long for the juices to fill the space.
Thankfully, however, it didn't take long for you to reach your destination, highly visible, albeit smaller cervix.(edited)
"Jackpot."You decided to instead of just getting to the point, you were first going to give that succulent hole a very nice and deep kiss.
Diamond Tiara gasped sharply and moaned "He is kissing me! he is kissing something deep in me."
Spoiled chuckled and said, "That's your cervix, dear. He's going to put something inside you that will stop the heat by way causing something called an 'orgasm'. or 'cum' , making it so that eventually you'll be able you'll grow a foal inside you. Just lie back and let it happen."(edited)
"A foal?!" Diamond's voice was panicked now, even as she felt her arousal grow.(edited)
Spoiled's voice as calm and serene."Yes, dear, that's the only way to stop the heat, I'm afraid, and I don't want to see you suffer another second. Soon you're going to become a mother like me."
She repositioned Diamond's head so that it was aligned with her teat and pushed her into it. Just relax and drink, dear. It will be over soon."
Diamond was about to protest but was silenced by the creamy substance invading her mouth. Diamond was surprised but slowly but surely decided to accept it and began drinking her mother's milk.

You at the same time retreated your mouth from the dilating, pulsing hole and decide to get to the main attraction.
You aligned your incredibly hard rod with the hole and pushed, forcing your cum cannon deep inside the protective sphincter. You began to hump against the womb imagining scenarios of your life with these two lovely ladies and the swell of their pregnant bellies filled with your offspring, living in the lap of luxury while spending your life with people who genuinely love and care about you. You carefully embraced the bulbous structure gave it a soft, tender kiss while you pumped away inside of it.
Spoiled felt her daughter tense and moan, feeling vibrating on her teat, she smiled as this happens, she caresses her daughter as she continues drinking her milk, it reminded her of the day she was born and drinking from this very same teat.

Soon, sooner than you'd like, you gelt the familiar pulse of your dick and a familiar onrushing of fluid forcing its way to your cumslit. You didn't even bother trying to hold back and released it all, grunting as you released yet another cloud of sperm into a womb. This time you felt no compunction about what you were doing and relaxed upon knowing that you did something to please your goddess. You lied back and relaxed, completely spent, with a big goofy grin on your face.
Diamond Tiara gave another moan, she let go, gasping as she moans and trembles, she felt her face had drips of milk falling on her face, she moans and shrieked in an orgasm feeling the human unleash his essence into her violated sacred place, her tongue was out, lolling out of her mouth as her eyes were unfocused and tearful.

Diamond Tiara has her first, strong orgasm.
Her hips shuddered, bucked, and rolled riding the wave of her orgasm. Diamond Tiara had never felt anything like it in her ife, ir was like soaring into the heavens on wings of light. All of the muscles in ger body relaxed and released their tension, and for a split second, she had no idea who or where she was. Meanwhile, the resulting flow of fem and squeezing muscles and the rapid expansion and contraction of the ribbed walls carried you back to the entrance unscathed and you were pushed back out onto the bed.
Spoiled was satisfied with the performance, really satisfied, so much that she was surprised seeing Diamond suddenly latch on her nipple again and drank with so much want and greed, she felt the tongue lapping on the nipple as it releases more to her, She was was embraced by her. Spoiled saw her daughter's face to see what's going on until she saw... love and regret on those eyes.(edited)
You had completely freed yourself of Diamond's pussy and laid on the bed, still feeling the aftershocks of your own orgasm. Spoiled saw you lying there and collected you into her hand before placing you on the other nipple.
You started instinctively to lap and kiss the hard nub of flesh and suck from the milk duct and starting drinking from her, Spoiled gave a satisfied hum, seeing her two important lovelies drinking on her breasts, she sighed contently. It been quite a while she nursed Diamond and even then, she never really stopped, she thought it was an annoying condition but for once, she was really glad to never went away.

Diamond n the meantime felt a feeling that couldn't explain, that burn on her loins was finally sated, replaced with a feeling of contentment, this feeling of love that came from her mother, its... been quite a while since she felt the appreciation and motherly love from her. She glances at the tiny who was drinking on her mother's other teat, the one who satisfied and quenched her need.

the father of any possible foal she and her mother might get. Maybe it won't be that bad, the human was cute, maybe his foals will also be cute!

June 2, 2023