She decided to tell to her inner circle of frie...
· original author:
She opted to show him to her own circle of friends she had formed over the years, well, 'friends' is a way of stretching it, they were more associates mostly formed to get some influence around the town but it was nice to have some familiar faces around and socialize with other successful ponies, her plan was to form an sort of herd around this little stallion was that was now squirming within her cleavage, it was futile to escape her no as she walked toward the exit of her manor.

Ponyville was as bustling with ponies as ever with tons of mares and very few stallions, many who have already herds or on the process of getting one, she can't have one mostly because she was already 'married' with one but ishe could try, no rule stops her from forming an open herd and she knew the right ponies for that as she walked her way towards the Townhall.

"Mrs. Rich? Good Morning" Mayor's secretary, Raven Inkwell or something? She cares not to remember ponies whose positions are lower than her, still she put an neutral expression to her while the secretary smiled cordially, as she should, and addressed to her "Are you here to see the Mayor?" She huffed on that question and crossed her arms under her breasts, causing the tiny apeling struggle less due to the sheer pressure.

"Isn't that obvious?" She state with an displeased expression, the white glassed Mare's smile became strained but still remained.

"Of course, silly me." Ahh the secretary acknowledged her mistake "She and a coupled more mares are on her office." On this she smiled. She didn't acknowledged her and walked straight to the direction of the Mayor's office, she didn't noticed the secretary giving her the middle finger as she pushed the doors.

"Spoiled?" Mayor Mare stated surprised as she said entered the place. "Didn't you said that you had important things that attending friends' reunion?

"Yeah, Daerie." Chiffon Swirl or Cup Cake as she call herself now looked at her equally surprised "You were rather... upset about it."

"Not surprise, she is a busy mare with millions of bits worth of enteprises, she hadn't time with 'poor' mares like us." Cookie Crumbles looked at her with a frown as she crossing her arms below her equally endowed chest.

"You think that managing such enterprises are easy? Is an arguably stressful thing but such is the life of being successful, you would understand if your bakeries were beyond few towns." Harshwhinny sniped on her remark, she could trust Harsh to defend her, after all, the last time she was in this reunion ended quite... sourly. she rolled her eyes quite not seeing such hostility coming from Cookies, her cousin, she helped her modeling career before settling down and make an small bakery franchise that she too helped make it be because of her delinquent youngest daughter? Tiara used to show such rabble their place before she started to socialize with her but... no, she didn't properly addressed it, it wasn't her time and place to address such thing until it was too late. Maybe because of the last reunion she kind of blew up on them.

Oh yes, she remember that, she stormed off after a bad day and said some words she couldn't remember but she didn't regretted it, that's how she go but if they are still a bit sour about it, Well, good thing that she had the right thing to make... amends.. of sort.
June 2, 2023