You were encased into a crystaline orb and sank...
· original author:
As soon you splashed onto the white thick contents of the undulating reproductive organ, an azure aura surrounds you completely and lift you back from the sloshing ocean of pearly white sperm, as the aura solidified around to form an sort of crystaline glowing cocoon around your form and after that, you were unceremoniously drop again onto the sloshing, turbulent sea of white, sinking and sinking deeper and deeper onto it's content, the glow supplying you light as you descended into the warm darkness, ocassionally seeing tadpoles swimming around like school of fishes, now that you mention it, there were different sizes of sperm some were really small, like insect like others were the size of an cat or dog, few were softly glowing on different colors but most were azure-colored with three diamond marks on their squishy heads.

Now you were being able to see the pulsing ground but instead you were pulled into one of the cavernous, pulsing tunnel where more of those tadpoles come in and out, you saw that from the confines of the fleshy, living tunnel more of those multisized tadpoles grew out, if you were to think, you were getting deeper and deeper into the testicle itself, within this horse woman hern... tubules until your crystaline prison was fully on bottom, slightly lodged between an small crevice between the pulsing, thobbing flesh and organic walls..

"So... I'm trapped here... great.." You said the shock and a bit of the wonder morphed into one of dread but also of brimming curiosity, this wasn't exactly what you had in mind when exploring but... ehh, but strange things just happened and turns to your benefit, maybe this is one of them?... somehow?


"What the- WHOOAA!" In an sudden uncontrollable manner, the entire organ rocked hard moving your prison around and colliding against the walls until lodging again into an crevice between the walls, the turbulent shaking motion repeated multiple times as the sound of booming heartbeats began to get quicker and quicker as well the repeating sounds of pleasured moans from your host and the other blue giantess but there was an second sound, it was if the balls were colliding onto something repeatedly.






They were having sex, all while you were deep within the balls, it did it take second guesses on what was happening around, the school of sperm cells swarmed around, agitated and restless, ready to do what they were made of and created an offspring at least, assuming that's the point and they're not going for the ass or mouth althought you heard the blue giants's moans of pleasure and the sounds of heartbeats were getting faster and faster and the pace started to shake even more erratically-


There was an strong sway being an strong PLAP was heard, there was an different strong pressure upward that pulled your prison all the way up again to your previously location slowly and gigantic sphincter opened before you and seemly to suck all the content of the testicle but before your prison would follow the countless of sperm into their journey, the ball grew empty enough until gravity on again took reigns of your crystaline prison, falling back deeper into the emptied testicle.
June 2, 2023