The adventure begins...
You are Anon Q. Everyman (Anon for short), an unassuming human living a simple life, and by simple you mean barely living from paycheck to paycheck. It seems like every cent of of every dollar you earn goes into food, paying the bills, and college expenses. . Unfortunately, you have neither the intelligence, academic aptitude or the right skin color to afford a scholarship so you're stuck earning your college degree the hard way, living off of takeout when you could afford it and ramen when you couldn't.

After a long day of bending over backwards at your terrible to earn enough money to make sure your electricity doesn't get cut off you tiredly crawl into your bed, and after a short wank session quickly drift off to sleep.
Unbeknownst to you a mysterious light begins to grow from underneath your bed, illuminating the room in a silvery glow.
Six tendrils emerge from the light source and slowly inch their way up the sides and over the comforter before coming to rest over your lightly snoring body.
The tentacles seem to gently caress your body, their feather-light touches barely registering against your covered skin.
After a few minutes the tendrils cease their stroking and pull your covers down over you and reach down beneath your back and bottom.
Had you been awake you might've been surprised to learn that you were suddenly levitating in the air, blankets hanging free off your body as you were suspended by a mysterious force.
The light under your bed suddenly intensifies, and in response the tentacles tighten and expand forming into a sort of cocoon.
As the light grows ever brighter so does the silky embrace grow tighter on your form, almost like you were returning to the womb...
After a time the light begins to fade until there's only a dull glow and the darkness rushes in to consume you once more...

June 2, 2023
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