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As you stand in front of Rainbow Dash's massive sleeping face, her snoring is deafening. Her mouth opens up before you, like a massive red cave of uncertainty. You enter her mouth and the tongue instantly throws you to the back of the throat, and you smack against something hard. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash wakes up slightly. Inside her mouth, the teeth clench shut with a mighty thud and you are engulfed in darkness. You realise you are hanging on to her uvula, dangling menacingly over the dark ominous blackness of Dash's throat, and so you hang on for your life.
Rainbow Dash woke up and flew down to Ponyville to see what was going on. She decided to get a cake from the bakery with Pinkie Pie, and as she opened her mouth to bite, you are blinded by the light that suddenly seeps into her mouth. The teeth open wide to reveal the cake and the next thing you know, the mouth is active: teeth chomping, saliva working, tongue tossing lumps of cake. "Huh, tastes like there's a new ingredient, Pinkie" Dash said, savouring each bite. Inside her mouth, the uvula sways as you realise you can reach various parts of her head now that you're inside. You think of the best way of experiencing what to fly like Rainbow Dash would be like, and then...
June 2, 2023
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