Go to Octavia and Vinyl's House
You fly to musicians house, you fly was short one due to use an flying boost spell, it was handing for anyone of your size, the house was quite big, then again they were quite famous, Octavia for example is member of Canterlot Orchesta, the most fancy orchesta band of equestria, the other was Vinyl Scratch, you're a fan of techno music and dubstep but no in a... fanatical way to express it, sometimes the beat is unbearable for your sensitive ears.

You look at the window, it was open, you fly at there but you notice some... falling in your spell, something is happening with you, you land hastily at the hall's flood when your spell simply wear off, why your magic is starting to fail? you try to an simple illumination spell creating a ball sized orb of light but nothing, just few sparks come out of your hand.

"Something is wrong, My magic is failing... but how? is the portal spell?.. oh no.."

You remember the portal spell you learned early, it drain alot of mana of the magic user, to a proper restauration you need two or three days your stood there horrorized why you don't remembered such important detail? you start to panic, you don't have any magic left you try to use again the levitation spell but nothing, just random sparks.

"Oh crap... why this happend to me?".

"What happened to you?" an femenine voice startled you, you look at your left then at your right but you saw nothing but chairs and a normal table.

"Behind you, little man" you turn aroud slowy first you saw four pony legs when looking up you saw her face she was...
June 2, 2023
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