After some consideration, you decide that a Wonderbolt mare would be a great subject and might lead to better results.
Flying off towards the meet and greet, you see a large collection of Wonderbolts standing behind a table, signing autographs and shaking hooves with their adoring fans.
The first two of the Wonderbolts to catch your eye were Spitfire, the leader of the illustrious pegasi. The second was Fleetfoot. Both mares were in excellent shape and either would be great for your crossbreeding experiment.
You decide to...
Flying off towards the meet and greet, you see a large collection of Wonderbolts standing behind a table, signing autographs and shaking hooves with their adoring fans.
The first two of the Wonderbolts to catch your eye were Spitfire, the leader of the illustrious pegasi. The second was Fleetfoot. Both mares were in excellent shape and either would be great for your crossbreeding experiment.
You decide to...
June 2, 2023
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