Rarity's Mouth!
· original author:
You were being blown towards Rarity's mouth! This made it especially great for you, because Rarity was your favorite of the Mane 6. You land inside her hot, humid mouth, and are not even noticed by Rarity. She just kept talking to Sweetie Belle with that sexy British accent that you loved so much.

"Now, Sweetie Belle," Rarity explained, "you have to put the parsley on the eggs at the precise spot."

Rarity then twitched her tongue, as if she just noticed that something (or someone) was inside. On instinct, she brought you to the back of her throat and swallowed you. You enjoy the ride down, waiting to get to her lovely stomach that you wanted to get into so bad!

You finally reach the stomach, and the acids don't hurt you. Good sign, good sign...

Now, here you are, inside Rarity's wonderful stomach...
June 2, 2023
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