Princess Cadance.
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You decide to go for Princess Cadance. You don't know if being inside of a princess would be a good idea, but while her husband seems a bit friendlier than her, you think, “How many opportunities will you have to be inside an alicorn princess?” You figure that whatever trouble you’ll get in, it’ll be worth it. But you decide to be ready with your teleportation spell; just in case there are any problems. You float to her food, which consists of hash brown patties, each the size of half of a town and a glass of orange juice so tall that were you your normal size, could easily flood both Canterlot and Ponyville, this was a clear example of how magic can alter your point of view. You can only stare in awe as you gently land on one of the patties. You feel the processed potato shake as it and you were enveloped in a light blue aura, you look up and see you were lifted up towards the magnificent mare’s maw while being held in place by her magic; you prepare yourself to be eaten by the pink pony princess.

You, along with half of the hash brown enter into the colossal moist cavern. You fly inward to avoid being smashed by the teeth and land on her warm damp tongue, but you slip on a puddle of saliva. You peer onwards in both awe and a little fear at the sight of the chunks of potato being crushed; you thank Celestia that that wasn’t you. Once you get back on your feet, you gently float up to the uvula, getting an extended view of the throat and esophagus. For some, it was like a never ending pit of doom, but to you, this was the gateway to your adventure.

You are soon smacked from behind, you turn and see that you’re stuck to the mashed-up mound of potato that was once the hash brown, now a ball and covered with saliva, It presses against you and pushes you with it past the uvula and towards the stomach. You would probably be a bit nervous if you weren’t admiring the esophagus' muscles contracting around you and the food-ball. It seemed almost like it was welcoming it, along with you, while pushing you downward. You soon arrive at the sphincter, seeing it opening, welcoming you to the stomach. Thanks to your magic, you pull yourself free and float towards the ceiling of the spacious digestive organ while the unlucky ball of food falls into the pool of acid, which quickly started to dissolve it.

You made it; you were inside of Princess Cadance's Stomach…
June 2, 2023
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