Cream wants to go to the mouth, which Tails agrees so. They arrive at the mouth, Tails says" As you know Cream, this is the place where the food or water goes there, these marvelous teeth are the one that are cutting the food and the tongue is the sensation of the food or drink to understand if it's tasty or disgusting depending on the person's sense of taste.". Then they see that the mouth is open and Sonic's lips are appearing, meaning that they kiss and then they start to do french kissing. Cream is so curious about this and wants to know about that, which Tails says" Ah Cream, you are going to find out when you will get older enough!! Let's go to the throat before their tongues hits us and traps us into their love.'' They go to the throat and sits here to rest up. Cream thinks what should they do, Tails suggests that they should...
June 2, 2023
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