Fuck her first
· original author:
"Not yet, my dear. I wanna have some fun first since you're already carrying about a city's worth of my kids, plus I'm still peeved you kidnapped me," replied Anon as he looked at the horny mouse, then he added, "Even if I'm curious to see what your influence did to your babies. Also, it's not like you'll be able to birth all of them today, or ever really. You're permanently pregnant and producing more babies."

"Oh my," gasped Lahwhinie, and she was breathing heavily at the prospect of feeling like this forever.

"I hope you don't mind if I slip into something more comfortable," said Anon as he reached out and grabbed the book. During their conversation he had an epiphany, he had a way to indulge in some of his perverted ideas and go mostly unnoticed by others, hopefully. Also, he needed a better way to use his book and keep it safe, which came to him when he remembered a relatively recent show he watched.

Anon decided to do the second idea first since it would make things easier in the future, he placed a few spells that were quick and simple on the Lexicon itself. He let go of the Lexicon, then smiled as it floated and turned its pages without him touching it, just like in Black Clover. Now, being able to use his book hands-free he, implemented the first idea and he made sure to watch Lahwhinie's reaction.

Anon's body reshaped itself, his hips widened considerably, his thighs thickened, his butt and chest swelled to a great degree, and his waist narrowed as his nipples widened and lengthened before folding inwardly. In the end, he turned his silhouette into what Lahwhinie would look like now if she wasn't pregnant, then his body expanded while keeping all the new proportions until he was a little over double Lahwhinie's height. Lastly, his face turned into a cute muzzle and a rat tail grew at the end of his spine.

"What do you think, pet?" asked Anon after turning himself into a female-looking anthro giant rat.

Lahwhinie gulped nervously as she looked at Anon's new appearance, a body just as slutty as hers, but much larger and more beautiful, in her opinion. However, her eyes were mainly focused on the throbbing pillar of meat between Anon's legs, if the cock was the size of her forearm before, now it was the size of her leg. Additionally, the balls went from the size of her first to the size of her head, and they looked heavy with seed. During her daydream, the magic circle in her belly lit up once more and the activity in her womb brought her back to reality.

"You're beautiful, my love, but you looked cuter as a human," replied Lahwhinie after she realized Anon was waiting for her answer, then she asked, "Why do you change like that?"

"Just having fun, and it'll also act as a disguise," said Anon with a shrug, which made his huge breasts with inverted nipples jiggle, and it felt nice.

Anon reached down and picked Lahwhinie without trouble. He lifted her until she was above his cock and she helped him by wrapping her tail around his length to point the tip at her drooling lips.

"Good girl," said Anon before lowering the smaller mouse onto the pillar of meat. The round head parted Lahwhinie's lips, then stretched said lips as her mouth opened in a silent scream and it wasn't even a third of the way in before he hit a familiar barrier. He simply continued to push her down until he overcame the resistance, then he turned her limp body around and shoved her down until her butt met his crotch.

Anon moaned at the tightness of the cervix as it acted as a cock ring, which was made even more pleasurable as he felt multiple hands, bodies, lips, feet, cocks, and pussies rub against his cock. At that moment, he knew the occupants of Lahwhinie's womb were having fun and he had a good idea of how she shaped her ever-expanding litter without showing any change on the outside. He glanced at the floating book next to him, then the pages turned until it stopped on the spell he wanted. He looked down at the dazed mouse and said, "I hope you're ready for a bumpy ride."

Anon didn't expect a response from the dazed mouse and did the spell he had in mind. Ribbons of light appeared around the two of them, then they turned into a strap harness for each one of them and both harnesses were connected. However, Lahwhinie's harness also bound her wrists to Anon's collar with straps, which resulted in Anon's breasts resting on her shoulders, and her ankles being bound to Anon's belt near his tail. Lastly, the harness also extended to her head and kept a breathable ball gag in place.

Lahwhinie's awareness returned and the first thing she saw was her reflection in the mirror. She saw herself strapped onto Anon's belly like an accessory and while the straps keep her in place, her weight rested entirely on the cock impaling her.

"Oh, you're back," said Anon as he looked at Lahwhinie through the mirror, then he added, "I was just about to begin my morning exercise."

Lahwhinie saw the book turn its pages, then she saw Anon say something she didn't understand and do some gestures. Next, a single rectangular platform appeared just above the ground and Anon climbed onto it, which caused her to bounce on his cock. He stood at the center of the platform, then he started to move backward and he walked to remain in place.

"Nothing like a morning run to get the blood pumping, right, dear?" said Anon as he picked up the pace until he was jogging. He smiled as he saw Lahwhinie's eyes widen in realization just before they rolled yet again as she bounced on his cock, the fact that most of the length was being worshiped by her unborn litter made the experience even better, and it didn't take long for him to reach his first climax. He pumped more seed into Lahwhinie, but that would be impossible to tell for an outside observer since the smaller mouse remained the same size and he kept a steady pace.

The apartment was filled with the thuds of Anon's steps, Lahwhinie's muffled moans and screams, the smacking sounds of her ass against his abs as well as their breasts bouncing freely, and the wet slurping of his cock going in and out of her pussy.

One hour later

Anon slowed down until he stopped, he stepped out of the platform and walked to the kitchen as the platform disappeared. He looked around until he found a mug, then he brought it in front of one of Lahwhinie's nipples and he milked her breast until he filled the mug. He went to the couch, sat down, and drank his mug of milk.

"Ah, nothing like a mug of milk after a good exercise. Don't you agree, Whinie?" asked Anon, then he looked down and saw that he might have gone a bit overboard. Not only was her face with a fucked silly expression, but there were also tears and drool from all the overstimulation of so many climaxes. He shrugged and refilled his mug a few more times, then he got up and placed the mug on the sink. Next, he looked for a bathroom, which he managed to find, and took a cool bath to relax. He also bathed Lahwhinie and did a quick spell to dry both of them before returning to the main room.

Lahwhinie recovered some of her awareness during her bath, and she relaxed as she was cared for by her love without removing his cock from her pussy, he dismissed the harness though. Once she was dried, Anon resummoned the harness, but this time he didn't restrain her limbs, then she showed her appreciation by fondling his balls with her feet and teasing his nipples with her hands as she bounced on his cock. She pouted as he sat down on the couch, but didn't stop what she was doing.

"That's for being such a good cock warmer, Whinie," said Anon as he patted Lahwhinie's head.

"Thank you, Anon," replied Lahwhinie as she glowed at the praise she received.

"I suppose you deserve a reward for being such a good cock sleeve," said Anon trying to not get too distracted by the unborn litter playing with his cock.

"Really?" asked Lahwhinie as she stopped playing with Anon's balls and breasts to look at him.

"Indeed, I promise to give you a reward you if you want," said Anon, then he felt a pulse of magic enforcing his promise.

Lahwhinie crossed her arms and tried to think of something that she might want.
June 2, 2023