She aimed on herself, specifically her crotch.
· original author:
Suddenly Amy's chest heaved as breath exploded out of her in a sort of nervous giggle. This surprised her so much that she stopped short and tightened her grip on the handle, and held it as if it were going to fly out of her hand at any moment. Given the gun's high tech appearance it was also likely very fragile and looked very breakable, so that was probably for the best.

She took in a deep breath to steady her nerves, and with gun held in one hand and the hem of her dress in the other, Amy angled the barrel toward her panties and pulled the trigger. A wide beam of green light erupted from the gun's tip and connected with the light blue cotton panties, and almost instantly Amy let out a deep moan. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she began to sway on her feet, before having to catch herself before she falls over. Her panties swiftly flooded with wet sticky juices to the point where some of it dripped on the floor.

Amy's cheeks flushed pink with blood, and she tentatively reached down and palmed the cleft between her legs, before she hissed and quickly withdrew her hand and stuck her fingers into her mouth.
Her legs shuddered and quaked as several mini orgasms sent electricity racing up her spine. It seems that just her touch alone was enough to set her off.

She wisely tucked the gun away somewhere safe on her person before she took several wobbly steps forward, swinging her arms from side to side to keep balance. Out of nowhere she materialized a large colorful toy hammer and braced the head against the floor to use as a sort of walking stick.

As she dragged herself along the lab floor, occasionally wincing as yet another aftershock made her legs wobble and spasm, massive changes were occurring in the place where the laser had struck, changes that began to proceed at a rapid rate.
June 2, 2023