Before your arrival, Amy Rose was humming happily on a road that leads to a house of a certain friend hers, despite being Sonic's (self proclaimed) Girlfriend, she still had her needs that Sonic couldn't simply satisfy, mainly because he always runs when she was nearby but she knew someone that can and was Sonic's best friend and brothers in anything but blood.


She licked her lips as she approached the house and workshop of the fox.

Once on the door, she knocked and called him "Oh Tails~!"

On a few minutes, Tails answered the door and was surprised on seeing Amy "Amy?"


"Oh Hi, Amy!" Tails greeted in a kind way and let the pink hedgehog enter his home "What brings you here." Tails then realize "Oh! is for Sonic, well, he is no here, in fact, he just left just a few minutes ago."

"I know." She replies "I saw him just a while ago but I'm not here for him." Amy smirked as she approached the now flustered and confused fox until she embraces him very closely, Tails could feel her breath, her voluptuous body pressing against him, her arms behind his neck and back and one of her legs crossing with one of his own.

"Mmm~ Tails You really grew some muscle." Amy giggled seeing the fox blush deeply


"Tails... wanna have *fun* with me?" Amy asks innocently but giving seductive undertones

"B-But what about Sonic? I thought you love him!" Tails said, he was terribly confused and excited and trying hard to hide that excitement. Amy giggles on this question and overall

"He doesn't have to know~"

Tails stared agape on Amy's statement and rather a bold move but he conceded, Sonic wasn't interested in Amy and he wouldn't feel much if he and Amy get... frisky. He nods and Amy smiles

"Good!" Now let's go somewhere... comfortable~" She let go of the fox and just as he did that, You appeared inside of her dress and went to her breasts just by the time they got to Tails' room.

When You were now modifying Amy's breasts, however... They were making out as Amy inserted Tails member into herself until she felt a tingling sensation coming from her breasts.

"Ahh~ Yes~!" Correctly, Amy was riding Tails just when she felt something weird going on with her breasts, she stopped, his dick hitting all the way deep into her.

"Ghnn! .. ?" Tails grunted as he sees Amy stopping "Uh? Amy, what's wrong?"

"My breasts... they feel... sensitive and funny-" Just as she said that, her breasts began to grow right before their eyes, from perfect bordeline D-cup into heavy and full G-Cup in minutes, their eyes widen in complete surprise upon seeing this but it wasn't done for Amy felt and saw small beads of milky substance coming out of both erected nipples and rolling down her grown mammaries

"Is that... Breast Milk?" Tails ask slowly

"But that's no possible, I'm not pregnant!"

"Really? Well, it happened so suddenly, maybe its a good thing?" Tails suggested.

Amy however...
June 2, 2023
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