Enter to see Cream
· original author:
You take advantage of your small size and try to go inside Vanilla through her vagina and meet with the still developing Cream. After all when will you ever get another chance of seeing life inside another living thing from the inside. Using your “tablet” you gave yourself the power of flight and started flying down over her pregnant belly to her nether regions. Once you reached down there you got a look at her sexy panties and know past them would be her pussy. You flew closer to grab ahold of the fabric as the next part didn’t need flight anymore. You wedge yourself between her fur and the panties and started shifting yourself inside while trying to not get the attention of Vanilla. You crawl even lower seeing nothing but fur and fabric until you finally reach your destination and see the entrance of her privates. “Well here goes nothing”. You immediately forced your past the vaginal lips squirming your way inside. It was then you heard a loud moan meaning Vanilla was aware something was messing with her privates. Your were aware this was going to happen and hurried to enter that is when you see the fabric of the panties move along with something large rub against it. That must be Vanilla’s hand as she’s feeling for her reason of the movement under her.

You made it inside her birth canal but to your surprise you weren’t safe yet. You saw a couple of fingers enter as well trying to catch the intruder. You ran deeper to the point where the fingers couldn’t travel deeper and just exited instead. She must have given up and thought it was her imagination or something. You then walked through her birth canal and with your size it was quite the travel before you lay eyes on Vanilla’s cervix. Beyond that entrance lies her baby maker where Cream is currently living inside so you prepared yourself not knowing what you will see next. You squeezed yourself through and while doing that not only can you hear another moan but also the beat of her heart going faster. With a little more force you squeezed inside and entered her womb. You were amazed how warm and comfortable it was in there but even more amazed in the center of the womb. In the center was a rabbit fetus not fully grown yet but at least grown enough to tell it was a rabbit. “Hello Cream. Sorry to intrude in your temporary home but I had to see how well your mother and you are doing”. You then got closer and placed your hand on the giant fetus causing it make slight movement maybe letting you know it was aware of your presence.

You then looked back into your Sonic knowledge and thought about how Cream is one of the youngest and an only child. It must be lonely being an only child and maybe having siblings might make her happy in the future in this dimension but now you had to think of how. You looked at your tablet to see the current mana in you is a max capacity so you can use magic to do something. You thought of...
June 2, 2023