Green, Green and More Green.
You sighed as you continue walking through but aimlessly in this massive jungle and you couldn't use your flight ability unless being spotted by any possibly outlooked, you didn't want to reveal your abilities, at least no yet for you wanted to be an observer mostly and copy abilities for new spells.
And walking in a dense jungle was NOT what you had in mind.
At least the pain was now completely gone.
Your new form gives you a much better sense of hearing and smell, an advantage of being an animal species having higher senses.
And your magic allows you to sense danger, you still hadn't sufficient energy for an invisibility spell but you didn't sense any danger nearby.
Maybe you didn't have since wildlife have evolved into bipedal beings? No, didn't Sonic Boom had both monkeys Mobians and Animals at the same time?
Well, you were lucky you hadn't run with any though.
That would be very unfortunate and messy
However, you started to hear something across the distance it sounded...
You sighed as you continue walking through but aimlessly in this massive jungle and you couldn't use your flight ability unless being spotted by any possibly outlooked, you didn't want to reveal your abilities, at least no yet for you wanted to be an observer mostly and copy abilities for new spells.
And walking in a dense jungle was NOT what you had in mind.
At least the pain was now completely gone.
Your new form gives you a much better sense of hearing and smell, an advantage of being an animal species having higher senses.
And your magic allows you to sense danger, you still hadn't sufficient energy for an invisibility spell but you didn't sense any danger nearby.
Maybe you didn't have since wildlife have evolved into bipedal beings? No, didn't Sonic Boom had both monkeys Mobians and Animals at the same time?
Well, you were lucky you hadn't run with any though.
That would be very unfortunate and messy
However, you started to hear something across the distance it sounded...
June 2, 2023
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