Continue. (Reserved)
You descended, landed on the suprisely hard but rigged floor, right on front of them still gawking on at you, you approached, thought with a bit of caution, they somehow know about humans.

"I would say something about 'careful for a fly might enter your mouth' but considering where we are..." The ponies shook their heads and looked at you with an embarrassed grin

"Sorry." Pound started "It's just that we... as Equestrian, really, don't tend to get visits from members of mythological, extinct races."

Oh... so that explain, they thingkyou are a member of this sect of humanity that long became extinct in this Equestria, now that's interesting but not relevant right now.

"Well.. I'm not exactly from this world so... not really belong to this local extinct sect of humanity but still."

"So... you're an alien?" Pumpkin asked, seriously, they are twins! Did you arrived to the future or something? No Pinkie was still working for the Cakes, if they were adults, Pinkie wouldn't be working on Sugarcube Corner and she isn't married with Cheese Sandwich.

"Yeah... sort off I guess? Yeah definitely an alien." You confirmed. "So... what are you doing here?" You asked carefully. Did y9u arrived to a alternate timeline where they're their own ponies and not related to the Cakes?

Pound wanted to answer but he was shut by his 'sister(?)'

"Wait a second... we should be asking you that, how come a mythical creature alien or whatever get here?" She says a bit suspiciously "last a I checked, humans didn't have magic like we ponies do."

"Ehh... I do actually.." You show your hand as it begin to glow with magical energy, she blinks as her eyes widen "That's how I came here actually shrinking impossibly small and arrived here out of pure curiosity since this dimension it said to have inner cities or civilizations that even some individual ponies use it as tourist attraction to others." You noted "Although I'm disappointed here."

"Yeah... no all ponies have this inner talent." Pound says as he glances on Pumpkin briefly "My partner here thought it was a good idea to infiltrate Cup's body to be in her inner world, a friend of hers told her that she only invite regulars but we aren't so..."

"You infiltrated inside of her husband to get into her by natural means?" You finished for him, this give more strong evidence that they're not related to the Cakes but something doesn't add up.. "Why going here instead of getting into her directly?"

"Because her 'frontier patrol' equivalent of cells would deport us in the slightest attempts!" Pumpkin returned to the conversation. "Mr. Cake might not have the Inner talent but we found out that they were trying to get a foal and this brought us an idea to fully infiltrate her body; I'm going to force the walls here to grow an bigger but empty sperm cell, without the genetical cargo, it'll be mostly empty cell we could use as transport!" She says as she reveal her plan...

That's a very ridiculous plan...



So ridiculous that it can work...

You realized where you are standing right now, you were looking not just the Twins or alternates that grew up to be their own instead of being related to the very pony they're now within but will be!

You were in the past!

You could actually see this working, yes, scientifically and genetically it wasn't possible remotely but magic pretty much throw logic and common sense and all those things off the window of a skyscraper, but given the natural magic Equestria have, they could end up being siblings and the twins of the Cakes...

They won't die, yeah, but they will be new people, newborns again and what they used to be will long cease to be once they get inside of Cup Cake, their experience and lives they had gone through and what shaped them to be will cease... Assuming that it is what will happen.

This could also explain why the Twins weren't Earth Ponies, at least, on this universe.

"Uh... buddy... you look kinda pale... is that Normal?" Pound broke your line of thought as you gave him a reassuring smile.

"Oh.. sorry is just thinking, suddenly remember something." Pumpkin's eyebrown rose hearing that.

"You doubt that it will work, Didn't you?" You shook your head.

"Oh no, I believe it'll work but very well... it's just.."

"Just what?" Pound blinked, seeing you with curiosity.

You could tell them, the fate that awaits them if they go throught this plan of hers, he'll, even show them the episode throught a magical playback on that very same event throught space and time and not the cartoon version throught the Lexicon, which it will make them back down and help them to get out of here and get to their intended destination...But also bring forth an entirely new foal to the world, possibly totally related to the Cakes, or none at all.

However the Twins were needed to make Pinkie realized that having kids wasn't just playing with them but actually taking care of them, raising them. They'll give her the experience needed to when she marries Cheese Sandwich and give birth to Lil' Cheese.

Alternatively you could just shut up and bring out an excuse, you were good making those but also it'll be sealing their fate to be reborn as their children, you could make layers of spell and enchantment on them and the grown empty sperm they'll board so when they become the Cakes' foals their personalities and memories will resurface once they get reborn.

You in the end...
June 2, 2023