A lewd, erotic dream involves, her husband, son...
"Oh please." You heard an echo-y moan, as your mind-eye observe what the mare was dreaming, you were surprised- and aroused- at what you were seeing. "Ravage me."

On a bed, not very dissimilar to the one she was on, was at the center of a gangbang, featuring not only her pony husband which was pushing his length into her mouth but a representation of her own son, Pound Cake, as an adult stallion below her and 'Pounding' her ass with his own length. Her hands were full, stroking the flares of those around her, of stallions that you sort of both recognize and not.

You licked your lips as you got a plan, you weren't if Luna would be around and watch her dream but you rather do this quickly. Immediately, you pushed your will into the projection that was fucking her directly to her cunt, you slowly fused with it the stallion fucking, and slowly the form morphed from a pony anthro into your human self, she moaned feeling the shape of one of the dicks penetrating her change from flat tip to bulbous and mushroom-shaped dick.

"You like that, slut?" You asked, nearly blowing a load into her feeling both pussy at the same time, but managed to hold it in. "Damn, you're so tight," you muttered

"Yes..." Mrs. Cake's mouth was free from the blowjob as you commanded the illusion of her husband rutting her face to move away, "Uh?" Her eyes grew confused as she saw you. "Ah... Ahh, a human?"

On this, this made you stop and then realized that it was expected, Humans were a thing, after all.

"Yes, I'm a human." You clarified as you grabbed her hips and pushed your length deeper into her, both real and dream, pushing the gates of her foalmaker, making her moan again. "And I'm going to be breeding you."

"Ahh? O Yesh!" You nearly yelped when you felt her legs closing around your waist, what surprised you was that you also felt it in the real world, "Please, do breed me! let me have your children! Ravage me, rut me!" Are those hearts in her eyes? Wait where are the other projections?
June 2, 2023