A proper gentleman would give her a good night ...
· original author:
...But a proper gentleman would give his lady a kiss good night, and that's precisely what you intend to do.
You tiptoed down the snout past her nostrils until you came to the thin line where the lips meet. Your feet sank into the ground as you stepped onto soft skin; unlike the rest of the snout the lips were bare of any hairs at all.
As you dropped to your knees you felt the ground tremble and shake before settling down.
Rarity could almost certainly feel you here; a horse's mouth is the most sensitive part of the body, comparable to human hands.
If you're going to do this you need to be quick about it.

You leaned down with your face level to the floor, and with as much feeling as you can muster, placed a big fat smooch on Rarity's upper lip.
"Good night, princess."

(What happens next?)
June 2, 2023