Try to find Fluttershy, since she's got the...
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Fluttershy seems like she would need more urgent attention than Applejack with the imminent birth. You veered west toward the edge of the forest flew over a grassy clearing that contained several birdhouses and feeders a chicken house and a large stone birdbath with a fountain gushing in the center. In the middle of the clearing is a large cottage almost completely covered in greenery such as leaves and moss that looked as if it an enormous tree had been hollowed out and carved into.
This was unmistakably Fluttershy's home, and to see it in a true-to-life context excited you just a little.
You scanned the surrounding area to see if you could locate the mother-to-be.

1. Fluttershy's down in her garden wearing a sunhat and sporting a huge belly and tits and clothes that barely seem to fit her clothing.

2. You find Fluttershy in the house resting on the couch and reading a book. Her MILF genes must've activated because her entire body's grown much thicker and curvier

3. Fluttershy is walking up the bath with arms full of brown bags of groceries, and she doesn't seem to show any signs of being pregnant at all. Could the codex have made an error?

June 2, 2023