· original author:
Sometime later...

         Mts. Cake snored softy as she lay in the bed, mane frazzled, frothy with sweat and midsection coated in sexual fluids. After about the tenth or eleventh orgasm, her body simply gave out from exhaustion and she passed out underneath you. Apparently despite their innate strength and stamina earth pony stallions are capable of lasting only a minute at most, so she had completely unprepared for your unending onslaught on her pleasure centers.
         You felt a pang of pity for the mare. Even though she did hold you down and try to rape you in your sleep, you knew in your heart that she wasn't a bad mare, just one who continually dragged along by the cruel string of biology. All she would've had to have done was ask and you would've taken care of it lickety-split. As it stands right now you had fucked her but good, and you could feel the swell of her barrel where you filled her squish and jiggle upon being touched.
         You stared down at her bedraggled but still beautiful sleeping form, deliberating what to do next. Should you leave her here in this state or stay with her until she recovers?
June 2, 2023