The Carousel of Rarities.
Just then as soon as her horn glows, it ceased as if she was finishing or canceling whatever she was doing but you felt something around, an change in the air and the magical currents, Equestria's Magic was on everywhere but the Carousel had an unique property, it was almost as if you were closer to a nexus of magic and whatever Rarity did only made itself far more heavier, as if an layer of magic is now coating the entire building and the nexus was powering it. You saw Rarity smile, seeing your confusion as you aren't seeing anything different.

"I finished it." She said "Don't be confused, it take a bit of a time but I genuinely have something to show you but first, you have to close your eyes." She requested, despite her tone being controlled yet still lustful, you could sense some giddiness behind said tone, with an mental shrug, you close your eyes and waited.

It didn't took long, as soon you felt small lips and muzzle began to touch and nuzzle on your dangling family jewels, you shuddered feeling the hot breath against your skin, followed by the wet yet tiny kisses and occasional licks and high pitched hums of pure delight.

Unable to hold your curiosity much longer, you opened your eyes and looked down to notice an white filly standing on her hind legs and leaning against your legs worshipping and starry to suck one of your balls. On first, you thought it was Sweetie Belle, Rarity's sister but then you noticed that her mane was identical to Rarity's own, her eyes, cutie mark and features were even the same except smaller, younger. If anything, you were being licked and sucked by an filly version of Rarity, who cutely giggled as soon you noticed her then resume her worship as you felt her magic hold around hardened lenght lenght and stroke it with telekinesis.

You looked to the laid mare on question still on the bed with an smirk on her face, then to the filly.


Instead of answering, you saw two more mares, more Rarities, appearing on your sides and while at first glance they were adult and roughly identical to the mare that was on the bed but the difference were the one was matured looking, with a body slightly resembling to Mrs. Cake's with all the motherly traits present while the other was more younger than her real (?) self but still older than her filly self, the two new unicorns joins up with the filly on sucking and licking your tool and package.

"Surprised?" The Mare in the bed asked, you nodded. She giggles "I might not look it with being in within the fashion industries but I'm quite skilled spellslinger." She admit "I don't usually hone my horn beyond just the usual telekinesis but after certain... events that have happened on the town and around my friends and I, it pays to be prepared." She says "It took a while to channel the leyline below the town with my home but the results were well worth it, don't you think?"

"Uh? So this is why the air feels so heavy with magic?" She grins.

"Exactly. After hearing my concerns, Twilight - an friend of mine and resident magic expert - has been overly eager to teach me some spells." She shuddered a bit "She might not notice it or if she does, may likely deny it but Twilight acts alot like Pinkie when concerning on magic tutoring instead of Parties." You can see it now, Twilight Sparkle being as hype as Pinkie with an unhealthy obsession with books while ponies around her slowly back away.

Your daydream ends when it to you occurs while feeling the ravenous mouths of the Rarities to your crotch. "So you created an dimensional layer to make clones?" On this, Rarity simply smirked at you, you also felt them stop, looking down, the unicorns also looked at you with the very same grin.

"More or less.." She stated vaguely "The layer was already on place as soon as we entered, I simply.. activated it to say at least, as for my other selves, they're more than clones, darling." As soon she revealed that tibit of information, the "clones" giggles and moved away from your spit covered penis and onto Rarity's bed, joining her. They didn't talked as in letting her 'real' self do all the speech.
June 2, 2023