As you continued to look around Opal’s mouth wondering where to go, you felt her body move. Her mouth closed sealing you inside as she sat up. Soon her hand reached into her mouth and pulled you out.
“Mmmm Anon, what were you doing in my mouth snoot” Opal asked tiredly as she rubbed her eyes with one hand and held your saliva covered body in the other. “I uh, couldn’t sleep and wanted to explore your body” You said. “Well dont go in my mouth next time snoot” she said a bit annoyed.
“Why?” you asked hoping you didnt upset her. “I just dont wanna loose ya, besides if I didn’t know where you were I’d panic and not get you out snoot” she Replied. “Oh, im sorry” You answered. Sighing Opal gently ruffled your hair. “Its okay babe, just dont do it again without asking okay snoot” She said,
“Deal” you replied.
“Good now back to bed snoot” She said as she placed you back into her tits. "okay" you replied getting comfy. "Oh and if i find you in my mouth again with out asking your gonna be my sweat rag for a week snoot" she said before slowly drifting off to sleep. "don't threaten me with a good time" you joked, soon Opal was asleep and you pondered what to do now.