you decided to relax in Sammys bellybutton until the evening when the guests would arrive. Your mind racing thinking of all the activities these titanic women plan on doing. 

As Sammy waited she chatted with Pauline, typical couples stuff planning out the evening. As a snorlax Sammy ate some snacks and crumbs found their way into her deep belly button, you ate them. Soon you heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it!" Sammy said getting up, her belly shaking as she walked to the door. 

"Ready little guy?" Sammy whispered to her belly button. Soon she opened the door, looking out from your hiding spot you saw various pokegals! Most of them were the ones you heard talk of before. Harley the Hariyama, the goodra Giana, Ursa the Ursaluna, Natalie the nidoqueen, that Lapras lady Lauren, the Milktank woman Miley, and even that Alcremie Alice. "Hey gals welcome in!" Sammy said making sure to hug each one of her friends, who all brought something, drinks snacks whatever.

Each hug smushed your spot in Sammys belly button more and more, some of Alice's cream even got in, you had a taste and it was amazing. 

"Oh! Amanda Diana you made it!" Sammy then said as you saw a buff archanine woman and a curvy dragonite woman. 

She hugged them both as two more gals approached the door, a thicc Gardevoir and a Thicc Lopunny, you thought to your self "Why did i have a feeling id see a gardevoir and Lopunny" "Grace! Lilly! Oh its so good to see you both!" Sammy said hugging the two. 

"Yea we wouldn't miss a party at your place girl" the Lopunny, Lilly said. "Lillys right besides i have a feeling its going to be quite special" Grace, the gardevoir said before tracing her finger around Sammys bellybutton before giving the snorlax woman a wink. 

Soon everyone was inside, from Sammys naval you saw so many hot giant pokemon women talking. Sammy smiled and gently rubbed her belly before appraoching her friends. 

"So is this everyone?" Amanda asked as she cracked open a beer and began to drink it. "Well i said its an open party in the groupchat" Sammy answered. You wondered what kind of groupchat she meant. "Yea, honestly i hope its not too much, our college acting club was big" Alice, the Alcremie said. "It was most us gals dont worry" Pauline said. "Ya know it would be cool to have some tinies with us, even just one we can smother em n stuff" Harley said biting her lip. "Da little humans fun to play with" Ursa said with a russian accent. "Well maybe we will find one?" Grace said taking a glance at Sammy, but you realized she was looking at you in Sammys naval! "Well either way I know that little one will have the time of their life! so many sexy women like us" Natalie said smacking her ass. 

"Hehe yea, I am gonna get some games be back ladies" Sammy said as she left the living room before fusing you out from her naval. "They seem nice" You said smiling. "Yea, now then do we let them find you or show you off?" Sammy asked. "If ya want i can give to just one of the gals" she added.

Looking back into the main room you saw various way to explore as you thought. Almost everyone was in the living room and near by was a snack table. 

November 20
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