Natsumi wasn't able to tell exactly what she'd become, but she could sense her body was a long, slightly curved object. Not rock solid, but a little bit flexible. Nothing exactly sprang to mind right away. The closest thing she could think of was a pool noodle, but that wouldn't have fit in the girl's lockers.

She was disappointed to find out that the locker door wouldn't be opened for a while. The anticipation was driving her nuts!

Hours later, when Natsumi had figured the girls had long since gone home, she heard more footsteps and quiet whispers approach her. She couldn't tell exactly which members' voices they were. A locker combination was put in, and the warm light of an afterschool sunset flooded her confined space.

Natsumi was horrified to realize what exactly she'd become: A roughly six-inch-long pink dildo... But who exactly opened the locker? That surprised her even more...
June 1, 2023
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