"Uhh, Kanon-senpai, she's here again..." Kinako said as she waved the center of Liella! over to the club room's window. Confused, Kanon looked out the window to the front courtyard of Yuigaoka Girls' High School. It took a moment of squinting before Kanon noticed a purple-haired girl with a unique school uniform hastily hide herself behind a tree. Their eyes only met for a millisecond, but Kanon knew exactly who it was.

A small "Geh...!" escaped her lips as Kanon covered her mouth and crouched down to avoid being seen through the window.

"Kanon-senpai, do you know why Margarete-chan has been showing up at our school every day this week? A-and why are you hiding?" Kinako asked.

"She's been following me everywhere lately. It feels like she's watching me... Ever since we did well in the Love Live! prelims she's been obsessed with me..." Kanon shuddered, hugging her legs.

"Well maybe she just wants to be friends? She seems kinda lonely..."

"That makes this even more awkward! What am I supposed to do? Just walk up to her and say, 'hey let's be besties!'?"

"That could work! You never know senpai~" Kinako gave her upperclassman a wink. She then proceeded to grab her bag and head toward the clubroom's exit.

"See you tomorrow! Good practice today!"

"Thanks, you too... see ya tomorrow~" Kanon said giving a halfhearted hand wave.

Minutes later, Kanon still sat alone in the empty clubroom. The sun was setting, and she decided it might be time to head home.

"Surely she still wouldn't be standing there... would she?" the shy girl thought. "No way..."

Grabbing her school bag, Kanon exited the school and quietly walked towards the entrance gate.



"Hyaaa!! W-what!?" Kanon stammered, looking around for the source of the voice calling her name. She turned around to see Wien Margarete standing out in the open, staring right back at her.

"Margarete-chan... You scared me... what are you doing here? A-and why have you been following me the past few days?"

A smirk appeared on Margarete's lips.

"Because I've become interested in you, Kanon Shibuya."

"Interested in me? Why...?"

"At first I thought your whole group were nothing but amateurs, but your recent performance changed my mind, somewhat. You're all still amateurs for sure, but at the very least you, Kanon Shibuya, have impressed me somewhat." As she said this, Margarete gave a very diva-like hair flip.

"But I still don't understand... why me?" Kanon took a step towards Margarete.

"sigh God you're dense... Well, that's okay for what I have in store for you anyways," Margarete said as she dug something out of her school bag. What appeared to be a snow globe was now sitting in the foreign idol's palm. It looked to be a perfect fit for the size of her hand as well.

"What is that? A snow globe?" Kanon asked quizzically. She stared into the ornament and saw what looked like a miniature city inside. "Which city is that supposed to be? It's soo cute!" the awkward girl cooed.

"It doesn't really matter what city it is. Look, let me get to the point. I want you to join me, Kanon Shibuya."

"Join you? As like an idol? I... I have an obligation to Liella!..."

"No, not as an idol, you need a little more training to be on my level," Margarete bragged. "I want to test you; see how you perform under very particular circumstances. I know you have potential to be an outstanding performer, but you lack the charisma and determination of one such as myself," Margarete continued to boast.

"What I have here is a miniaturized city. Not just a model city inside a snow globe, but an honest-to-god shrunken city inside of this dome. Complete with tiny people and all."

Kanon's face turned from inquisitiveness to flat out confusion.

"Margarete-chan? A-are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office to lie down for a bit?" Kanon put a hand on the underclassman's shoulder worryingly.

"No! I feel fine! And I'm telling the truth. I received this as a gift years ago from my family in Austria. It's a shrunken city filled with tiny people living their daily lives. If I concentrate hard enough, I can enter the world of this snow globe at the size of a giantess. I use this tiny city to take my stress out on. I don't know exactly the logic behind it, but it's all true. It's.... magic, I guess."

Margarete said all this with a completely serious tone while Kanon gave her the strangest look she had ever given anyone before.

"Ooookay..... And... what does this have to do with me exactly...?" the orange-haired girl questioned once more.

"Like I said, I want you to join me. Specifically, in playing with this miniature city. You need more confidence on stage. Being an all-powerful goddess to a tiny population of people relying on you for safety has given me much confidence over the years," Margarete neatly explained.

"I don't know... doesn't that sound kind of... morally wrong? Like even if I believed you that there were tiny people living in there, why would I want to destroy their home?" Kanon stared into the snow globe once more, and did in fact, see tiny specks roaming the city streets.

"It's not even real! It's like, a simulation in there or something. Some kind of alternate dimension. I don't understand it either, but I've given you enough explanations. Are you joining me or not?" Margarete stared into Kanon's eyes.

"I... I..."

"If you don't join me, I can't have anyone else finding out about this. I told you because I thought you were like me, because I sensed a goddess within you who wanted to rule over a tiny kingdom as well. I'll have to shrink you and let you live your life as one of these tiny ants inside this dome..." the purple-haired diva warned.

How does Kanon respond?

-Kanon says she can't morally agree with what Margarete is doing. Seeing her as the last remaining obstacle in winning Love Live!, Margarete shrinks Kanon and adds her as another resident of the snow globe city.

-Kanon cautiously agrees to join Margarete. Margarete brings the two of them inside the world of the snow globe at the size of 300-foot (91.4m) giantesses to have some fun and wreak some havoc~
June 1, 2023
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