Back and Forth Between Keke & Tiny Sumire
Sumire examined her surroundings and saw she really was in a large glass jar with nothing else inside. It somehow offended her that she wasn't at least being treated to a nice dollhouse mansion or vacation home while shrunk! A superstar school idol like her at least deserved that much.

"Damn that Keke... I need to get a hold of the other members and get her to stop all this..." the shrunken blonde thought.

The tiny girl paced back in forth around the jar, circling it a few times while lost in deep thought. Her situation seemed pretty dire, but surely Keke wouldn't actually hurt her... right? As much as she got on her nerves and annoyed her, Sumire cared deeply for the foreign girl. She didn't want her to leave Liella either. The news about her having to potentially return home to Shanghai hurt Sumire as well. The group quite certainly wouldn't be the same without her brunt outbursts or catty retorts.

But Sumire had to think about her own well-being too. She sympathized with Keke, but in the end, it was her who was shrunk to the size of a doll and kept in a jar on a high school girl's desk. She wondered just what the Chinese idol had planned for her.


Minutes later, and Keke returned to her room with some food on a plate. She locked the door behind her and walked over to the table Sumire's glass prison was on.

"Oh so I deserve to eat, do I? Lucky me," Sumire scoffed.

"Who said this food was for you!? I haven't eaten much today as a matter of fact!" Keke barked.

"My my, I couldn't even guess with how big you are! From my perspective it looks like you could've eaten a whole city and still had room for seconds!"

"B-Baka Sumire! You couldn't even play a giant isopod anymore even if you wanted to. You're... you're just a... Chibi-isopod! Chibi-isopod Sumire!"

The two girls bickered back and forth as usual, they were both letting off steam. It was a bit cathartic to them, but emotions were running high and things got a little heated.

"Fine! If you want to be like that... I guess I won't share my food with you!" Keke stuck her tongue out with a childish "Nyehhh" noise.

Sumire let out an offended gasp, she had never felt so enraged before.

"Why... why did you even shrink me in the first place!? I thought we were friends, but you're just being a psycho-bitch right now! Is this some sort of game for you? Well it's not fun! I'd rather be in the care of any girl other than you!! I want to go back to normal, I want to go home, and I don't want to see you again!"

The tiny girl let out all her anger in one final attack, and was left breathing heavily with her fists clenched. Sumire turned away from Keke and sat down. Even she was surprised at how angry she felt, and almost instantly regretted her words, even if she could never admit it.

Keke stood there stunned for a moment. Sumire was usually so pompous, so confident that any insult Keke threw at her would always bounce right off. But this time it was different. Both girls felt wounded, and Keke wasn't sure how to respond to her friend's biting words.

The beautiful foreigner could never truly admit how she felt about Sumire, it always came out wrong. Always came out cold and harsh. She didn't know how to properly show her affection to the girl who was always by her side. And now, she was sure that Sumire hated her for good. Tears welled up in Keke's eyes, she was so frustrated with not only Sumire, but herself as well.

How does Keke respond?
June 1, 2023
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