Ren Unwittingly Starts the Game...
"Ow... my poor head..." Ren muttered as she woke up in her large bed.

"I could have sworn I was just playing a game... was it just a dream?" she wondered as she removed the covers and stood up.

It seemed she was in the same casual clothes she remembered wearing when she started the game, but now she was back in her room. Did her maid Saya bring her back here? Ren opened the door to her room and stepped out into the large empty hallway of her esteemed manor. Her large estate had felt emptier since her family fell on such hard financial straights and they were forced to let go of most of their staff, save for Saya, but Ren felt an odd chill around her. Something in the air felt off. And that's when she felt it.

The dead silence was broken by deep vibrations ringing in Ren's ears. A large shaking sensation from far away was getting closer.

"A-an earthquake!?" the school idol shouted in disbelief.

She quickly ran downstairs and prepared to enter the basement shelter and wine cellar to keep safe. But stopped when the quakes subsided mysteriously. Ren's arms were place above her to protect her head and neck from falling debris, and she slowly lowered them back down to her waist. She cautiously looked around and noticed no damage to the manor outside of a few objects falling off of tables and desks. It was at this moment she wondered where Saya was again, it wasn't like her to leave without letting Ren know. Concentrating on the matter at hand, Ren headed towards the front door to see if there was any damage outside or if any passersby were injured.

"Maybe it was just a quick one this time..." she pondered. Slipping on her tennis shoes, she walked outside and was greeted with a sight she couldn't have guessed with a thousand tries.

Standing directly over her family's mansion, nearing 500 meters tall (or roughly 1600 feet), and staring right down at Ren was the giant face she recognized well...

Who is the giantess Ren locks eyes with?
June 1, 2023
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