"This was such a good idea! I'll never have to worry about homework again! I'm so smart!" Chika congratulated herself.

"Ah... but I guess I'm technically no longer a 'school' idol... that's kind of a bummer... but... maybe we're just considered normal idols now?" the mikan lover pondered this predicament for a moment before getting confused at her own logic she created.

"W-whatever! That was just step one of my master plan (that I haven't thought up the rest of yet)! Now it's time for step two!"

Chika raised her hand held in a fist to the air, pumping herself up. She ran outside her house and saw the beautiful summer weather on the lovely island she called home. Today was yet another beautiful day.

A sudden inspiration struck the idol like a bolt of lightning.

"I've got it! The next change is...!"
June 1, 2023
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