You grabbed her phone and looked at the time, realizing she hadn't checked for a while. She was greeted with messages from Chika, sending her memes she knew her friend would enjoy. You smiled a soft and slightly melancholic smile, knowing she'd never win over Chika's pure heart if she pursued someone else out of desperation. You decided it'd be best if they called it quits for tonight.

"What's the matter?" asked Kanan, wondering what her large kouhai was staring at.

For a moment You got flustered and almost dropped her phone on the tiny girl, "Ahhh um it's nothing! Wow, look how late it is! We really should get some sleep, we still have morning classes tomorrow!"

"But you were the one who wanted to try out these weird powers... you aren't in the mood?" Kanan was a bit disappointed to hear that You wanted to stop, but she was slightly relieved as well. Truth be told, she was missing Mari's company quite a bit.

"Y-yeah... You're right... but we don't have to stop completely tonight... I actually have one more idea..." You's mischievous grin from before had disappeared, her voice and smile were much more sincere. From that, Kanan knew she had Chika on her mind again.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?"

"What if I kept you small while we slept tonight, pretty please?" You gave her best pleading expression.

"How would we do that? No offense but I'd rather not sleep in your dirty socks, as slightly appealing as that sounds." Kanan giggled. At this point their bodies and minds had cooled off, and the inherent eroticism of shrinking had slightly faded.

"No not exactly that, but maybe something similar. What if I held you close to me, like a doll? We could... cuddle... m-maybe..." the platinum-haired idol blushed deeply.

From all her bravado before, now she was getting embarrassed over cuddling? Kanan found this adorable, and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Sure! That honestly sounds kinda fun. But umm, please try not to crush me in your sleep. I might not even be doll sized by the morning."

"I-I won't! Though... it is a hot night... I can't deny I sweat a lot in my sleep..."

"Fufu, such an innocent request from the girl who was just throwing her panties at me earlier. What happened, really? You can tell me."

You felt comforted at her senpai's maturity, even in a situation like this. "I just keep thinking about her, I can't help it... The thought of shrinking her like I did with you even crossed my mind... I'm sorry if I was too forceful with you earlier. The power kind of went to my head..."

Kanan stood up, still covering her privates now that she had no clothes protecting her, and walked across the bed to her giant underclassman. She placed her tiny hand on You's knee and looked into her bright blue eyes.

"It's okay. It's not like I didn't want to try this stuff out either. Chika and you will be just fine, I know it." With those kind words of encouragement, Kanan gave You a pat on the knee and walked back over to her pile of clothes.

"I-if I promise to open up to Mari, will that make you feel better? I feel as if I have an obligation as your senior..." You looked down at Kanan, not even attempting to hide her nude body now, fully intent on making her feel better. It relaxed her and allowed You to regain her usual spirit.

"It's a deal!" You gave a blindingly bright smile.

Kanan gave the girl's knee one last pat and turned around to walk back to her pile of clothes. Her cute naked butt swaying caused You's blood to rush back to her cheeks, she was all perked up and ready for fun again.

"Kyaaa! I can't with you anymore! You're too cute!" You girlishly gasped as she reached down and plucked her senpai's naked body off the bed. She felt the girl's mature body squirm between her fingers, her skin was so soft.

"Y-You! What are you doing!?" Kanan said exacerbated. "Y-you're being way too touchy!"

"I can't help it! Just look at you! Anybody would kill to have a body like yours to themselves!" as she said this, You poked and prodded the school idol's shrunken form, fully fondling her breasts and ass.

"O-okay that's enough! We should seriously get to bed, it's been a long night, and I'm tired..." Kanan shouted, feeling herself getting wet down below from You's fondling. She didn't want the younger idol to find out she was that easy.

"You're right, let's get some sleep my little pet~" You giggled, setting Kanan back on the bed. You got up and stretched before taking the pile of clothes and putting them off to the side. She climbed in Kanan's bed and let out a yawn.

"I just realized, it's kinda weird I'm sleeping in your bed, senpai."

"I guess it is. It's weird, I'm almost getting used to being the size of a toy."

"Maybe by the morning you'll be the size of a bug if I keep you close to me," teased You.

"L-let's hope we don't find out... By the way, where did you want me to sleep exactly?" asked the blue-haired beauty.

"Right here," with that, You unbuttoned the top to her pajamas, exposing a generous amount of cleavage. Kanan most likely had the best body of Aqours, but You's similar curvy athletic build was no slouch either.

"Oh my, how scandalous~" joked Kanan. "What would the media do if they found two school idols sleeping together!" she let out a fake gasp and walked over to You's awaiting palm.

The tiny girl stepped onto You's soft skin and she was lifted up close to her kouhai's body. You used two fingers on her opposite hand to part her breasts and open up some room for her senpai. Kanan was nearing 15 cm (about 6 inches), which made it easy for You to slot her naked body right between her soft breasts. Kanan's squirming tickled You a bit, but she soon got used to the feeling.

You laid down and pulled the covers over her. Since she slept on her side, Kanan was laying down on one breast while the other covered her like a blanket, or rather a giant pillow.

"Good night, senpai," said You softly. Her eyes slowly closed as she drifted off to sleep with ease.

"Good night, You," replied Kanan.

You's prediction was indeed correct, she could already feel the sweat on the giant girl's breasts accumulating. And while it wasn't necessarily hot between the massive mammaries, it did make Kanan wish You at least put the AC on. It took a few minutes of moving for Kanan to get comfortable, but she finally did, and eventually fell asleep nestled in her underclassman's bosom.

Kanan wondered how small she would end up being in the morning.

Both girls dreamed of confessing their feelings to their respective loves.

What awaits You and Kanan in the morning?
June 1, 2023
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