(Original chapter by EmiyaShirou)

Fifteen years had passed since the day that Nozomi turned her fellow school idols into her baby girls via her breast milk. They grew up in a very comfortable, privileged life, wanting for nothing but still remaining sweet girls. The only thing that was different about them physically was that they could only digest their mother's breast milk; everything else would make their stomachs sick. While breastfeeding them all worked fine for the first few years, by the time they reached school age, such a thing would be difficult. So instead, Nozomi spent a good chunk of her day pumping herself so that her girls would have plenty of bottles each to keep them fed during the day. There was teasing over it, but nothing that the sisters couldn't handle together.

Today, the octuplets were now getting ready for their first day of high school. They all look plump for success, especially in their chests. Thanks to their mother's genes and the milk they drink throughout the day, none of them are smaller than a G-cup, with breasts that shake and jiggle with every motion, making them popular enough for the previous teasing to be a thing of the past.

What they don't know, however, is how much they had inherited from their mother. Anyone who drinks their breast milk will be changed and the specific change from these eight girls is...
June 1, 2023