Rin's Object Transforming Odyssey
"Hey Rin, did you do last night's homework?" Hanayo asked her tomboyish friend as they walked towards their class after eating lunch.

"Nyaaaaa I completely forgot!! Hanayo you gotta let me see your answers again pretty pleeeease~?" Rin pleaded.

But Hanayo's brow furrowed. "Rin, this is the third time this week you've forgotten your homework, I can't keep bailing you out every day. What will you do when midterms come along, and you get the lowest grade in the class? Again?"

"But I swear I did it! I just... left my stuff at home... again-nya..."

"So I'm guessing I'm not getting back the makeup I lent you either..." Hanayo let out a disappointed sigh.

"I promise this'll be the last time I forget! Pinky swear-nya! And I'll give you back all your stuff tomorrow. Your makeup, textbooks, idol DVDs, even those cute outfits you lent me months ago and I never ended up wearing!" Rin babbled, clasping her heads together in a desperate plea.

"....Fine... you know I can't get mad at you..." the mousey member of μ's squeaked. Hanayo was a very passionate person, but she wasn't the type to get angry or upset.

Rin wasn't intentionally taking advantage of her best friend's kindness either; she really was just that clumsy and absentminded.

"For real!? Thank you thank you thank you Hanayo-nya!!" Rin grabbed Hanayo's hands and held them tightly, causing her shy friend to blush.

"O-okay.... here... take my notebook and copy the answers before a teacher sees..."


When Rin got home that night, she knew she had to be the change she wanted to see. She couldn't rely on Hanayo's generosity forever! The short-haired idol searched the app store on her phone for a helpful reminder app, but something potentially better caught her eye.

"Object-Me-Not: Never forget anything ever gain with this state-of-the-art application that will change your life for the better!"

Rin's eyes sparkled upon reading such an interesting tagline. This was exactly what she needed! Quickly downloading and installing the app, Rin swiped past every page of the privacy policy and terms and conditions to see what the fuss was about.

The main page of the app was pretty plain. One blank space was for typing in an object that you wanted, and one setting was for how long you wanted the "change" to occur.

Change? What did that mean? Surely this silly free app couldn't transform objects, right? As she was still dripping wet with sweat from idol practice and jogging home earlier, Rin simply typed in the first thing that came to mind.

"New... sports bra... Time... hmm... since I'm just testing it out, I guess... a minute-nya?"

Not being the best with technology, Rin wondered if science had really progressed this far without her realizing it. And not being the one to suspect anything suspicious ever happening to her, she pressed enter on her phone's screen.


A flash emitted from her screen and her phone seemed to have taken a photo without Rin giving permission to the app to let it use her camera.

A tingling sensation around her chest and under her sweaty armpits made Rin laugh uncontrollably.

"W-what's h-happenya-ing!?" Rin chortled while the tickling kept getting stronger. Finally, the sensation stopped, and Rin took a moment to catch her breath. As she looked down, she noticed the sports bra she was wearing that was soaked to the bone with her sweat just a moment ago was brand new! It was like it had never been worn and smelled fresh to boot!

Rin couldn't believe it; the app actually gave her a new sports bra! But it seemed to replace her old one. Was it because that's what it took a picture of? Rin wondered if it's possible to only transform inanimate objects, or people as well. A minute later, the tingling sensation began again, though this time not nearly as pronounced. Rin was soon back to wearing her old and worn-out sports bra from before. The new one had faded away.

A devious smile spread across the cat-girl's face. She could definitely have some fun with this~

What does Rin decide to do?

-Rin goes to school the next day and transforms into an object belonging to one of the μ's girls!

-Rin shows the app to Hanayo in secret, and they test the limits of the app!
June 1, 2023
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