"....Kotori? Umi? Girls? Where'd ya go?" Honoka opened her eyes after the bright flash from the wand subsided. She looked down at the bedsheets where her tiny friends once were only to find them not there!

"Uhh... girls? Can you hear me? I'm starting to think this was a bad idea..." Honoka trailed off, a drop of cold sweat going down her cheek.


"...Where am I? Where is this?" Kotori awoke feeling groggy and out of sorts. She didn't feel like herself.

"Kotori? Is there your voice? Can you hear me?"

Kotori looked around but her view was covered up by a wall of fabric that enveloped her body. She felt hot and the air was humid with a very distinct aroma. It almost felt like she was being cradled and it prevented her from moving, or so she thought.

"Y-yeah! I can hear you, is that you, Umi? Where are we? I can't see anything!" Kotori called out to her friend. But when she thought she spoke, no voice came out.

"It's dark for me too. And hot. And kinda stuffy. And it smells.... I have a bad feeling about this. Where's Honoka? And why can't we move?" Umi questioned.

It occurred to the two girls they were speaking into each other's minds, and they knew something went terribly wrong with the spell Honoka used.

"....Kotori? Umi? Girls? Where'd ya go? "Uhh... girls? Can you hear me? I'm starting to think this was a bad idea..."

Suddenly Kotori and Umi heard the loud and booming voice of their friend all around them. But her voice was different, even compared to when they were shrunken. It vibrated throughout their bodies and shook them to their core.

"Honoka! We're here! Help us!" Kotori called out through her mind's voice. The poor girl tried moving her body. Twitching, shifting around, vigorously attempting to shake free of whatever was keeping her bound. She only managed a small twitch though. And suddenly the form of Kotori's new body took shape. She was a pair of roundish, sphere-like masses, slightly heavier at the bottoms. The front of her ended in very sensitive nubs, and behind her felt attached to another mass she couldn't describe.

"That was weird, my boobs just twitched..." the girls heard Honoka say to herself.

A terrible sense of dread befell Kotori.

"Umi... I think we're... I think we're Honoka's..."

"I-I know..." Umi replied. "But... I'm pretty sure you got the better end of the deal..."

Umi also attempted to move her new body. Being cradled by a soft fabric that covered her sense of sight, she could only rely on what she felt and smelled. She tried doing anything that could get Honoka's attention, but to no avail.

Honoka sat back on the bed, trying to figure out what happened to her friends, and what kind of spell she cast. The soft sheets of the bed felt good on her backside. It had been a long hot day, and Honoka's ass was slightly sweaty.

Umi's sense of taste sadly hadn't been deprived, and this inedible bodily secretion was what filled Umi's pores, allowing her to taste the salty brine. Her body was compressed into the soft mattress sheets. She felt flattened, now being able to make out the form and shape of her body. Large masses of fat that met in the middle, rubbed against each other, and jiggled slightly when Umi tried to move.

"Now my butt is all itchy... I'm trying to concentrate! I hope the girls are okay..." Umi and Kotori heard the school idol think aloud.

The girls couldn't deny it any longer. They had somehow merged with parts of Honoka's body. Kotori became Honoka's healthy C-cup breasts, and Umi became her friend's plump and shapely ass!

What happens next?
June 1, 2023
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