Honoka's Forceful Foot Pampering
Kotori and Umi thought they had misheard their friend at first. But Umi's shocked expression turned into a quick response.

"Honoka, we are not massaging your stinky feet. I don't even want to touch them!"

"Aww come on girls! I'm just asking this one little favor! After I let you get all touchy feely with my body on the way here it's the least you could do!" Honoka pleaded.

"We didn't ask you to shrink us, nor did we want to get flattened by your body. This shouldn't even be a discussion! Grow us back, now." Umi glared up at her giant "friend".

Honoka was stunned for a moment, she wasn't expecting Umi to be so stern all of a sudden, but she knew how scary her friend could get when she was serious.

Luckily, right now, there wasn't much the blue-haired idol could do in retaliation.

Honoka puffed out her cheeks in a pouty face and reached her hand towards her two miniscule friends. Umi instinctively flinched seeing such a massive object head her way, and by the time she realized anything had happened, she was already under Honoka's control. Umi's entire body was being pushed towards the orange haired goddess' mighty soles at a frighteningly fast pace!

"Umi, you're being mean!" Honoka pouted.

Kotori covered her eyes with her hands but ended up peeking between her fingers. She felt bad for what Umi was about to go through, but she couldn't help but be curious as well. A part of her secretly loved being this close to Honoka, though she'd never have the guts to admit it.

Umi did not feel the same way, she was terrified, and the smell she complained about earlier only got more powerful and rank the closer she was pushed.

Finally, Umi's tiny body collided with the sole of Honoka's foot. Kotori could swear she heard a squelching sound from the sweaty pores of Honoka's feet having pressure applied to them.

Umi was sandwiched between Honoka's index finger and her hot and sweaty soles, still reddened from the jogging she just went through. Honoka swirled her finger around her foot, making shapes and writing out words playfully. All the while Umi was dragged along and covered in a slimy, sweaty substance being secreted from this cute high school idol.

She had never been so humiliated in her entire life, even more than the group's first live! Umi would take wearing an embarrassing miniskirt on stage in front of millions over this torture any day. Did Honoka realize what she was putting her through? Umi wanted to cry, she opened her mouth to scream but only got a mouthful of her friend's foot sweat and hot flesh. Her tongue dragged across Honoka's meaty flesh and Umi was forced to swallow any sweat and specks of dirt previously stuck to the idol's sole. If Honoka decided to make Umi go between her toes Umi was sure she'd throw up.

Honoka had no idea what cruel fate she was inflicting on her tiny girlfriend, she was simply having fun running her finger across the wedges and wrinkles on her foot. Umi was being treated more like a tool to scrape off grime than a person right now. She could only close her eyes, breathe as little of this tainted air as possible, and hope Honoka's low attention span made got bored of this quickly.

Where does Honoka decide to go from here?
June 1, 2023
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