Naruto the boob
FTP-No-Jutsu Chapter 8
· original author:
Unfortunately for Naruto the jutsu completely turned him into Hinata's breast, "Hinata, ...hey Hinata" receiving no response Naruto started to panic "she can't hear me, I-I-I I'm stuck as Hinata's b-breast, no calm down it's a jutsu I should be able to cancel it".

Feeling happy he came to this conclusion he started to think about the release command from the scroll, however his eyes widened as he realised he didn't read the details about releasing the jutsu.

'Ok stay calm down, Hinata will find the scroll and realise what happened, she's really smart and she'll release the jut-WHAO', his thoughts were cut off as he started to lightly boucne and jiggle as Hinata started to move. "W-w-what's hap-p-pening, wher-res she go-oing".

Naruto was struggling to think straight from the pleasure he was feeling from his rhythmic movement as he was fighting the urge to moan.

(Hinata's POV)
"Naruto, Naruto where are you", receiving no reply and being unable to see or sense him as she glanced Hinata could only let out a sad sigh as she figured Naruto was playing a prank on her.

She started to leave when she felt something against her foot, glancing down she saw the scroll Naruto was reading. Reaching down she picked it up and started to open it before stopping, she let out another sigh before closing the scroll thinking it was part of Naruto's prank she placed in her kunai holster before leaving the training grounds.

Where was Hinata going?
May 31, 2023
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